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A knock on the door. (Pls dont kill me) "who is it?" I creeped to the door waiting for the stranger behind to answer "Miss Kim Minji its the police please open the door" my eyes widened. The police?

I spun around looking at Kyungsoo whos eyes were wider than ever before. I waved my hand furiously telling him to go hide "Im coming" I checked that Kyungsoo was out of sight before taking a breath and opening the door

"Ah Good evening officers how can I help?" I put on my best fake smile. The officer flipped through his notebook before speaking "Your friend Jinhoo reported you as a witness when he got threatened. Is that so?" I gulped. I tried to think of an excuse. I didnt want to ruin my friendship with jinhoo but I didnt want Kyungsoo to get taken away from me. Wait did I just say that.

I cleared my throat making sure to get rid of the lump "ah yes that is true. You see it was actually my boyfriend who "threatened" him" My palms were sweating by now. I wasnt usually the type to lie about things like this but drastic situations call for drastic measures I guess. "So your boyfriend threatened him with a knife. Miss this could be a serious thing we'd like to speak to him" He wasnt buying it clearly. "It wasnt a real knife though" I blurpted out almost too quickly. The officers gazed at me in confusion. "Hes a prop manager for movies and such so it was one of those fake knives off set.

My boyfriend he. He gets jealous quite easily and sometimes takes thing a little too far. Honestly hes harmless though" I lied. One lie after the other. This is the affect Kyungsoo has on me.

The police officer jotted something down before nodding "Okay so we wont take any action. Though you will have to talk this out with your friend himself. If he wants to take it any further he will give us a call. Sorry for bothering you. Have a good night" They bowed their head and I returned the favour before closing the door.

I slid down to the ground and took a breath. "That was scary" I ran a hand through my hair. "So Im your boyfriend huh" Kyungsoo entered the living room with a smile on his face. I frowned. "I had to make up something to save your ass" I stated getting up from the floor and walking towards him.

I stopped just a few inches in front of him and looked up to meet his eyes. "Thankyou for saving my ass" He leaned down and kissed my cheek. His lips then moved to my lips and lingered there for a few seconds before Kyungsoo backed away leaving me unsatisfied. "I should head home" He scratched the back of his neck. I just stood there as if I was glued to the ground. All I did was follow his movements.

He was about to open the door when he stopped "Ill see you soon girlfriend" was all he said before shutting the door leaving me dumbfounded. "Ha girlfriend. Tsk who does he think he is" I sat on my couch touching my cheek which was previously occupied by his lips. "Thinks hes all cute and what not. His dumb ass smile and shit" I burried my head in a pillow hoping to get rid of the weird feeling in my stomach.

Why does he make me feel like this? I cant say I like him. I barely know him. Plus for like the 100th time, hes a criminal. Im literally repeating myself over and over but he wont leave my head and i miss him. "Tsk what is it with you Kyungsoo" I have a habit of talking to myself now.

Running a hand through my hair I got up and strolldled to the kitchen looking for something to satisfy my hunger. I settled for cereal cause who doesnt eat cereal in the middle of the night right.

I sat down on the ground this time opening my laptop. I decided ill watch a drama or something cause I was bored and needed to take my head off the so called Do Kyungsoo.

It was about half an hour in when my phone buzzed signaling I got a message. I groaned amd unlocked my phone. "SatanSoo?" I stared at the ID. Who the hell is SatanSoo. I opened the message and laughed at my owm stupidity when I realized it was Kyungsoo

Satansoo: Its your beloved boyfriend I allowed myself to put my number into your phone and save yours. Hope you dont mind ;)
Me: Satansoo? Its already done so I cant stop you. Im not sure how you got my phone though

I smiled as I read over his text "beloved boyfriend. Ha" Even though I knew it was only a bit of fun I couldnt help but feel my heart flutter "I hate him so much damn it"

Satansoo: Stole it when you were saving my ass. Anyway. Are you free tomorrow?

I rolled my eyes. Of course he did. I thought about whether I was free tomorrow or not before replying

Me: Seems like I am. Why?
Satansoo: I was wondering If you wanted to meet my friend Jongin. I was actually going to take you out alone but Jongin insisted that we need to hang out.

Wait he was going to take me out? I was kind of surprised that he has a friend. Dont get me wrong I dont see him a loner or anything but I always thought people like him like to keep a low profile. Nevertheless I typed a reply

Me: Ill glady come but wont Jongin mind me tagging along?
Satansoo: Naah hes fine with it. Ill pick you up tomorrow. Goodnight pretty face;)

I felt myself frown as I saw he was leaving. I wanted to talk to more. But he must be tired

Satansoo: G'night Soo.

I threw my phone on my bed and went to get ready to go to sleep. I wonder what this Jongin guy is like. Will he be like Kyungsoo or completely different? Guess I will find out tomorrow.

After my shower I went to bed instantly falling asleep.

*blah blah lets skip a little time*

It was currently 2pm and I was standing outside my house waiting for Kyungsoo to pick me up. Soon enough I saw a car stop at my drive way "Come on Min" Kyungsoo got out of the car waving me over. I made my way over to the passanger seat about to open the door when he stopped me. "Its hard to open" He said and winked. I bit my lip. God he was attractive today. "Thanks" I sat down and let kyungsoo close the door. As if I couldnt do that myself.

"So where are we going to meet this Jongin of yours" He pointed ahead to a caffee of some sort. "We couldve walked there" He gave me a glare making me shut up and sit back in my seat. Once we parked we walked towards the entrance Kyungsoo looking around searching for his friend.

My attention was caught by a tall man waving as he walked towards us. He jogged over with a huge smile on his face. Okay woah he was hot. "Hi Kim Jongin is my name. You must be Minji right?" He winked before bowing his head. I blushed. Calm down there Min. "That is me indeed. Nice to meet you" I said smiling brightly at him.

I heard Kyungsoo clear his throat before grabbing my hand "Come on" Jongin stared between me and Soo before nodding his head and entering the caffee. Me and Kyungsoo followed quickly behind, kyungsoo not letting go of my hand. When I tried to let go he just tightened his grip.

He finally let go when i went to find us a seat and he and Jongin went to order for us. Jongin came first carrying his and my cup. He was followed by a surely pissed Kyungsoo. Jongin sat beside me leaving kyungso having to sit across. He glared at Jongin as he sat down on his seat and then stared at me. I sipped my coffee awkwardly. Not wanting to say anything to set Kyungsoo off.

This was going to be an interesting day I can tell already.


Okay so its nearly 3am so Im sorry If this chapter is shit. Also I guess you could say we have another cliffhanger? Heh sorry.
Anyway thanks to everyone for reading. It really means a lot.

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