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After Kyungsoo left I felt relieved yet I felt empty. When he said he hopes that we wont see each other anymore, it made me feel shit. I didnt even get to know him. I knew nothing about him. I knew his name. What I also knew was that hes definitely a dangerous man.

I discovered though that maybe, just maybe he could be a good person. Im sure theres a good side to Do Kyungsoo somewhere deep down and I was determined to fish it out and possibly make him stay that way.
I was bothered about the same question repeating in my head "Why did he not just kill me?" Of course I wasnt exactly a fan of getting murdered but he had the chance. I shook my head getting rid of those thoughts and went to take a long desired shower.
After my long ass shower I flopped on my bed instantly falling asleep.

*Couple of days later blah blah*

I was walking to meet with my friend jinhoo who I havent seen in too long. Something felt off though. It felt like I wasnt walking alone. I turned around to see no one so I just continued walking.

"Min" I saw a waving Jinhoo standing across the street in front of a cafe. I smiled and crossed over to be pulled into a tight hug me immediately hugging back. "Aah its been too long where have you been" Jinhoo opened the cafe door letting me in first. "Very busy training and what not" I nodded. Jinhoo was training to become an idol so I imagine hes working really hard. "Go find a seat Ill order for us" I told him. He smiled turning on his heal to find us a good seat.

I tried my best to push it aside the feeling of being watched and just enjoy my time with my always busy friend.

Walking over to a table I caught a glimpse of a man staring but as soon as he noticed he looked down back at his phone screen. He was covered with a mask so I couldnt see who it was. Never the less I had a guess of who it might be. "Here" I sat down and took a sip of my coffee still feeling uneasy. Jinhoo mustve noticed me looking around as he joined me in the doing "what is it? Are you looking for someone" I turned my attanetion to Jinhoo and shook my head no "nah just scanning yknow" He laughed and ruffled my hair making me slap his arm "no bad jinhoo" he pouted at me making me laugh.

Me and Jinhoo were like siblings, always fighting and such "I missed you Min" He pulled me into his side and kissed the top of my head. "I missed you too my Idol friend" He made a tsk sound and pretended to flip his hair. "When you get famous we better still be friends" I poked his shouledr repeatedly "Of course dont be silly" he put his arm back around my shoulder. Again I felt eyes burning into my back. I got sick of it so I stood up and grabbed Jinhoos hand dragging him out of the cafe, making sure to pay before we leave.

"Whats with the sudden leave?" He swung our hands back and forth as we walked down to a park "I dont know I was getting bored" I turned around to see If he was following us. Luckily he was nowhere to be seen.

As we got to the park I ran towards the swing. "Youre literally a five year old" Jinhoo laughed standing infront of me. "Shut up and come push me" I could see him rolling his eyes before he appeared behind me giving me a push on the swing. "Come on is that all you've got Hoo" I teased literally like he said before, a five year old. As much as I tried to not think about Kyungsoo he always suddenly appeared in my mind. Was it really him who was following us? And if so then, why? "Im talking to you Minji" I snapped out of my thoughts and hopped off the swing turning towards Jinhoo "Theres someone watching us" I froze. He followed us here? I looked around until my eyes met with his. Kyungsoo. His eyes didnt stay with mine for long as he stared at Jinhoo. If looks could kill. Whats his problem. "What a creep" Jinhoo grabbed my hand pulling me along with him.

My attention was still on Kyungsoo though who was walking not far behind us. "Jinhoo wait stop" He came to a halt and looked at me confused "Kyungsoo what do you want?" He continued walking towards jinhoo not even sparing me a look.
"Min you know him?" Jinhoo was now backing away "kyungsoo stop" He didnt listen so I ran up to him grabbing his arm. He shook me off without a problem causing me to fall on my butt "aisshh what is he doing" One thing led to another and before I knew it my best friend was up a against a tree with a knife at his neck. I sprinted towards them pulling Kyungsoo away from Jinhoo "Kyungsoo stop please" Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes. "Dont go near her. You hear me" Kyungsoo warned while I struggled to hold him back. Is he crazy taking a knife out in broad daylight and pointing it at my god damn friend "for heavens sake what is wrong with you" I let go of him and ran over to Jinhoo "Im going you can stay with this psycho" He scattered himself up and ran away.

I fell to the ground finally letting the tears fall.
Why did I meet this man called Kyungsoo. "Min?" I looked up to see Kyungsoo with a smile on his face. I wiped my tears and looked at him with a look of disgrace. "How dare you" He smirked. The evil smirk i saw that night. "Youre mine" I scoffed and pushed him away. I got up and started to walk away when he grabbed my arm spinning me around to face him "I said youre mine"

Psychotic Love X Kyungsoo X  |Where stories live. Discover now