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Him. Except this time he wasnt covered in a hood but was wearing normal clothes. I stood still, not knowing what to expect from him. I could feel myself start to sweat as he reached his hand into his back pocket. I closed my eyes hoping for the worst. "Are you Kim Minji?" I opened my eyes seeing him holding my purse with a kind smile on his face.

Not knowing what to say I simply gave him a nod. He handed me the purse, our hands slighly glazing against each other making me shake a cold shiver. He turned on his heal about to walk away but my head decided to stop him "wait" I cursed myself as he slowly came to a stop and turned to face me looking at me confused. I thought for a second. Was it safe to bring him into my home. He already knows who I am and where I live. Would it make a difference?

He cleared his throat making me jump out of my thoughts "Do you want to come inside? As a thank you Ill make you dinner or something" I pulled my door open fully giving him acess to my home. He smiled before nodding and entering my house.

I constantly shouted at myself for saying dinner. I couldnt cook to save my life.
He looked around my living area taking everything in, like he was trying to memorize it. I noticed how messy my house actually was and ran a hand through my hair "Im sorry about the mess I clearly wasnt expecting visitors" He gave me a side look as he let out a small laugh "its fine I've seen worse" I realized that I was still standing at my entrance door like an idiot. I walked down the little steps and sat my purse somewhere before rubbing my hands together nervously. "I uh Can I ask. Whats your name?" He thought for a second as if to think of an answer "Do Kyungsoo" I smiled when I finally knew his name.
Although he still was a possible danger in my house I didn't seem to care as I told him to make himself at home to which he said a thankyou. Awfully well mannered for a criminal and awfully good looking. "You barely know him shut up" A hand flew to my mouth when I realized I said this out loud. Kyungsoo gazed at me, a puzzled expression on his face. "Sorry just speaking my thoughts. I do that a lot" I said with my head low and my cheecks red. "I do that a lot too dont worry. How about the dinner"
Winking he walked towards me making me step back a little.

He stopped walking and trailed his eyes along my body taking my image in bit by bit "thats creepy dont do that" I scrunched my face up. He narrowed his eyes and I gulped "Dont tell me what to do" My eyes went wide. I lost all faith in him being a nice man. We stood there quietly not saying a word and I swear I was about to die because of how weird I felt. Why isnt he saying anything. Then, he took steps towards me almost closing the gap between our bodies causing me to gulp yet again "Are you afraid of me?" He stared directly into my eyes smirking.
For me, the world has stopped and it was just me and him and to be honest that feeling scared me more than Kyungsoo himself. "No. Im not" His smirk turned into a smile and he stepped back cocking his head to the side "Why do I not believe you" I was telling him the truth I wasnt afraid of him I was only afraid of the fact that I wasnt afraid. I thought I was going insane. I didnt even know this man but yet he made me feel so good by just being here close to me. "Im serious Kyungsoo I am not afraid of you"

His expression went soft. He looked like an angel. But he sure wasnt. "You know who I am right?" I shook my head. I didnt know who he was but he made me interested in finding out "you know I killed a man right? You remember that so why arent you afraid!" His voice was raising and he once again stepped closer to me. I flinched not liking the tone of his voice but I stood still not moving an inch backwards "I dont know why but I know for sure that I am not" Im sure by now he was as confused as I was. Leaning close to my ear I could feel his breath hitting my neck making me weak in the knees. No one ever had this effect on me "But you should be"

Hello hii soo I just got an idea for a story and tbh idk how long its going to be or whatever. Im not even sure if anyone is going to read it but whoever will I hope you will enjoy and I will try my best to make it as readable as possible. Okay Byeeee.

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