are you sure

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it had been over a week since the heist at Arkham. ivy was worried. ever since the heist Harley had been quiet. not the quiet that happens when no one knows how to start a conversation. the kind of sad quiet that only one man in the world had caused. 

ivy knew what she had to do and even though she didn't like to gamble she had to take a risk, that could either keep Harley by her side or one that could ruin everything all over again. 

"Harley i'm going out! be back soon." she said as she walked out of the underground greenhouse that had recently been her home. "there is no other way." she murmured and got into the car. she reluctantly began her long journey to Arkham asylum. 

as the sky darkened and the traffic settled ivy pondered over the moments she had shared with Harley over the past few months. the first kiss, the kisses and moments that had followed. even the memory of the  touch of Harleys hand to hers had become more precious than gold or weapons. 

soon she was approaching the looming glare of the asylum. a storm was brewing over head like a pot boiling on a stove the rain spilled from above accompanied by harsh winds and lightning. it was the perfect evening for a break in. the weeping willow trees nearby swaying in each direction touching her hands to its trunk ivy takes control of the plant and sends one of the many branches into a high window. climbing onto the tree she quickly slips inside. there was a night guard there when she landed in the dimly lit hallway. she quickly knocked him down and tied him to a desk. 

"be still. i mean you no harm i just need your keys." she whispered. the terrified man nodded and ivy grabbed the key ring. the keys each had names and numbers on them. looking through she finally found a green one labeled room 1 joker. 

"here we go." she said as she reached the green and purple door labeled room one. the keys jangled as she unlocked the door. she paused and listened when she heard no footsteps she opened the door to see the joker wide awake. in a straight jacket and mask he looked as crazy as he was. you could practically feel the horrifying smile that lay underneath. 

"listen to me. Harley doesn't know i am here. i'm letting you out so she can make her choice you or me." she said slowly reaching over to undo his mask. then she heard the door slam making her jump. 

"i'm afraid neither of those things are happening ivy. or should i say Pamela Lilian Isely. you have been quite slippery to catch but now that i have you its only a matter of time before i get every villain that falls under criminally insane." she said with a tone so toxic you would expect her to spit poison. 

" that is not happening." she replied heading to the door only to be blocked by two large robots. two large robots with the ugly x that said they came from lexcorp. 

"yes it is. see Arkham is under new management and we cant risk someone like you being about when we rebuild this city from the ground up. i suggest you come quietly." the robots quickly escorted her to a room with green walls and a black and red bed. she felt something prick her arm and her vision began to go dark.

"this IS'NT OVER!" she yelled falling unconscious. 

"oh yes it is." said the mystery woman walking off to her office scribbling the previous events on her clip board as she went. 

hey! so i dont know how im going to describe the new villain in my story. i was hoping that all of you could submit names and physical descriptions of her. height, hair color, ETC. i will pick my favorite and declare the winner in my next chapter that is all about the new character. thnx bye!

Harley Quinn x poison ivyWhere stories live. Discover now