hey ho the batman's dead....now what

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the joker drove along cursing at himself. it was still dark and downtown Gotham was brimming with hookers, drinkers, and criminals alike. but the joker wasn't concerned about any of that he was the biggest fish in the cesspool and everyone knew it. he was upset because in his thrilling victory he had lost track of his other targets. he knew they were out there somewhere feeling smug about getting away unscathed. "not for long." he reminded himself. "before this week is up they will be nothing but a forgotten joke with no punchline" he sneered putting more weight on the gas he disappeared into the night leaving the yellowed streetlights in his metaphorical dust. 

meanwhile Harley and ivy had hurried home and decided to relocate. "leave the hyenas Harley they belonged to the buffoon first anyway." ivy called as she packed a few of her essentials in a bag. they had to get out before the joker could come looking for them. 

"but I can't they're my babies!" Harley squealed this was the first spat they had since they got together and it was seriously bad timing to be at a relationship checkpoint. 

"they weigh as much as you do and we don't know where we are going so we can't put them through that they'll be better off." ivy pressed she didn't want to argue but the clock was ticking and frankly they were a rambunctious pair Combo that with Harley's boundless energy and it was way to much for ivy to handle. 

"I can't leave them!" harley stomped her foot like a spoiled toddler. 

"harley the joker is going to follow us he will just have to take care of them for you. its the least that clown can do for you." 

after a few more minutes of back and forth harley agreed to leave bud and Lou behind. ivy jumped in the car and they took off. harley was still pouting so the drive was quiet. well it was until Harley's curiosity (and enormous appetite) got the best of her. 

"im huuuuuunnnnnnggggggrrrrrryyyyy." she groaned. 

with a sigh ivy pulled over at the nearest dive through. if you think harley quinn is crazy normally you do not want to see her on an empty stomach. it was like dealing with a rabid animal on steroids. luckily they had cash and a Taco Bell on their side. 

"yeah I wanna have two five dolla meal deals and change one a the sodas to an icee and three churros. ooh ooh and a seven layer burrito. do ya want anything ivy?" harley asked. 

"I'm good." ivy replied trying not to be disgusted by the amount and low quality of the food harley enjoyed eating. a rather disinterested cashier handed harley and enormous bag of food after ivy handed him a 20 dollar bill. 

"keep the change" ivy called as she tore out of there leaving nothing but a trail of dust behind them. 


not everyone in the justice league was there which wasn't surprising many had passed since the creation of the league others had left and many were of protecting their own planets, cities, and families. however those closest to bruce had shown

superman and Wonder Woman stood solemnly as they awaited Nightwing. the flash paced and cyborg fiddled with his circuitry. the rest sat in the oversized furniture that decorated Wayne mannor. among them was green lantern, power girl, aqua man, the martian man hunter, zatanna, and star fire. after what felt like hours Alfred escorted nightwing into the sitting room. 

knighting nervously cleared his throat before speaking. "um hello everyone I know you are all here for the same reason I am batman sent an alarm out and you are the ones to receive it. you were probably hoping I had answers as to why he sent the alarm or what caused him to but the truth is I don't really know much more than you do." a collective groan echoes across the room. 

"but I do." oracle rolls her wheelchair beside nightwing gently taking his Hand. star fire looked away sadly but nightwing  pretended not to notice. 

"batman notifies me whenever he patrols he told me last night that he was going downtown. he claimed to be tracking one of the most notorious duos still committing crimes. harley quinn and poison ivy. apparently they've been more active since the joker was locked up. we suspect they might have to do with his current absence those of you who can please assist us in locating batman before its too late." 

"ill stay I don't think this was harley but I do know her better than the rest of you." power girl stated standing at attention. (if you want to know about power girl and Harley's friendship read the harley quinn 2014 comics its canon) 

"I too shall remain batman is a good comrade I would be upset if he became truly lost." wonder woman stepped beside oracle, power girl, and nightwing. 

"if it is not an inconvenience I too shall search for the batman" 

"okay so its me, power girl, wonder woman, and star fire. anyone else."

after a few minutes of excuses and pledges alike cyborg, nightwing, wonder woman, power girl, star fire, the martian man hunter, and the flash stayed In Gotham to search for the missing member of their team. 

"okay everyone pair up cyborg and star fire you work with me." the martian manhunter went with flash. and power girl went with wonder woman. 

"alright wonder woman go with power girl and be our eye in the sky find Quinn and bring her in for questioning. flash and the martian man hunter go uptown and search the area well. with your combined speed and matter shifting abilities I know you won't leave any stone unturned. star fire and cyborg you will accompany me to downtown Gotham. good luck everyone." 


the joker was frustrated. in his success in killing batman poison ivy and harley quinn had gotten away knew they wouldn't stay in Gotham but he had no idea where they went. 

"those two-faced bitches left me in they dust! they think they've won.  think they are like thelma and Louise driving off into the fucking sunset!" he shrieked pounding his head on the wheel. "well if I can't find them I'm getting the hell out of here. lets see since I'm near the east coast I could go north to Canada or west to California. hmmm I can't stand the weather up there I guess I'm going to the beach! goodbye cold murderus bitch!goodbye justice league I'm outta here!" he pulled onto the freeway that is until he stopped going forward. he was going up!

"joker your coming with us." power girl growled. 

hey everyone! so halloween is just around the corner and I am currently making a harley quinn costume I lan on posting a photo of me in costume with the next issue. but I want to know about you guys what are you being for halloween? let me know in the comments!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2017 ⏰

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