what do you fear the most?

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"hiya Harley here. as you know I was in a real rough spot where we left off. I assure ya things get interesting. where were we again? right, I dropped the tube of fear gas. Whoopsy daisy. without further ado back to the story."

"harley who are you taking to?" ivy turns bewildered to Harley.

"the readers of course!" Harley laughs lightly drawing more of the fear gas into her lungs. ivy remembering the dangerous situation they were in began to drag Harley down the hall. unfortunately the delusions had already begun.

harley was standing still deer in headlights horrifically backing away from poison ivy. "im sorry its not my fault! that wasn't supposed to happen!" harley as deep in psychosis as she was had an odd reaction. instead of playing a fear it replayed the traumatic experience that had sent her to the joker in the first place. the death of Guy Kopski.

harley looked at ivy but instead saw him, with a gun to his head. "do it because you love me." gunshot. and he lie dead at her feet. it would seem that the fear gas stripped away the mental cage she lived in filled with punchlines and voices it protected her. facing the fear gas she was alone. and worse sane.

ivy continued to drag the crying harley down the hall until she was almost to the door. the moonlight shone through the glass door when her reality slipped away. suddenly she was in a lush forest. surrounded by large green pines teeming with moss the ground covered with long grasses. a blackberry bush grew beside a stream. then there was a loud crack and a tree in front of her fell. suddenly the air was filled with smoke. yards away bruce Wayne and a group of executives stood watching as a large machine tore apart the beautiful forest. she could hear the trees screaming. begging for her help. she reached up willing the blackberry brambles to entrap the machine and protect what was left of the beautiful forest. when she turned to the machine none other than batman himself stood in front of her.

"not so fast." his oddly deep voice boomed.

"no you have to stop them! this is murder! its wrong!" she raised her arms willing the plants to respond to no avail. she looked at her hands to see them pale and untainted like before she had altered her. DNA to grow closer to plants. she couldn't protect this place. sinking to the ground she wept.

"you're wrong Pamela. you're trespassing," ivy suddenly had been handcuffed. she was watching the horrid destruction unfold. incapable of stopping it or even slowing it down.

"this isn't REAL." Ivy roared still hallucinating she was able to feel her grasp on harley. her lifeline to reality she began to walk forward eyes shut until she came in contact with the door. exhaling she pried it open and walked into the night air breathing deeply taking in the freshness of it.

falling to her knees she continued to breathe deeply hoping she could filter it out of her system. when the trees stopped screaming she looked up. Harley sat beside her rocking back and forth murmuring softly. it was early the sun had not yet risen but the sky had gotten much lighter. it was almost day break. kneeling in front of Harley ivy picked her up cradling her like a child she strolled towards the parking lot. taking no heed to her bare feet or Harley's missing shoe she set Harley in the passenger seat.

taking another deep breath ivy got behind the wheel finding the keys on the seat she turned on the ignition and checked the gas and everything seemed to be in order. "good we've got a vigilante to visit." ivy smiled and promptly turned the key.

------------meanwhile with julie------------

"stop I said get away!" she shrieked even louder. the office fell away and she was in her living room again. he seemed to get larger with each step he took and he towered over her shaking form. he roughly grabbed one of her ponytails almost picking her off the ground and she shrieked pointlessly. the animalistic scream of terror that she hadn't released in year.

"what more could I do to hurt you?" the joker hummed twirling his knife. "I could take out an eye." he trailed the blade dangerously close to her face then abruptly pulled it back again. "or I could cut that long hair you're so proud of." he pulled the knife upward nearing her hair. "then again I could just start slicing and see where it goes." he paused thinking.

julie at this point was breathing a sigh of relief that he hadn't cut anything else yet. "wait a minute. im an adult. this, this can't be real!" she laughed maniacally and shook her head in an attempt to clear it. her office came back into view. "my move quinn." she strolled to her computer and began to enter the robot mobility code.

"eeeerrrr" the computer vibrated telling her that the robots were effectively immobilized. again and again she tried to turn the robots on to no avail.

"aaaaarrrrrghh!" she roared stomping into the hallway looking for her security guards. she found one that unfortunately was unable to help. they all were. everyone in the building was too deep in the fear hallucinations to be of any help.

"goddamit im surrounded by fucking idiots!" she screamed stomping her foot angrily. she stormed down the hall heading towards the exit. bumping into a wall. right by the robot closet and the room ivy had been held in. throwing open the door she made a rough attempt to turn them on manually. again no response. there was however one person she knew wouldn't be affected by the fear gas. someone too crazy to be able to fear. she gasped in realization and slowly opened his door. a grin spread across his face. "how much do you want to be free?" she slowly asked the joker. who was smiling that crazy smile that terrified her so.

Harley Quinn x poison ivyWhere stories live. Discover now