so it begins

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After a while harley woke up to the sun in her eyes. dazed she jolted awake panicked until her eyes landed on ivy. heaving a relieved sigh she relaxed in her seat. "morning sunshine." ivy chuckled. 

"where are we, well I guess more accurately where are we going" Harley groaned rubbing her head. the bridge to Arkham was rapidly disappearing behind them revealing the city landscape ahead glowing with the rising sun. it would be breathtaking to someone who wasn't running away from something, someone. 

"first we go to our place and get cleaned up. once we are ready we call batman." not taking her eyes off the road ivy speeds up. unlike harley she preferred avoiding conflict. especially in a moving vehicle. 

"goody getting all dolled up for a date with batsy I didn't take you  for a swinger ivy." harley joked. ivy struggled to hide a smile, it was good to hear harley quinn joking like her regular self. 

"something is going on with lexcorp and batman is the only guy who won't be bought by a dirty ceo like luthor." ivy explained as they neared the apartment they were staying in. 

"I get it miss ice queen is just a pawn of big bad buisness and you think bats will get to the bottom of it. I get that part and honestly can handle bats any day of the week. the real question here is what do you get out of all of this?" harley replied shading her eyes from the sun it was almost like she was pantomiming searching for where she gave a fuck about what lexcorp might be up to. 

"I have a feeling its gonna be bad for us if we don't talk to the caped egomaniac before they do whatever they are planning." ivy said it with a finality that harley trusted. the rest of the car ride was surprisingly silent. 

little did they know that during their drive the joker was getting ready to leave Arkham. 

"the deal is you capture harley and ivy return them to us and skip town. understand?" julie double checked as he got back into his everyday wear. 

standing tall she realized he barely stood at 5'10. he had seemed so huge and threatening back then. 6 foot at least, then again she had been looking through the eyes of a terrified little girl. of course he seemed huge. now at just twenty years old he stood an inch smaller than her. although she wasn't little anymore the smile he gave as he pulled on his purple coat chilled her to the bone. 

" get the girls back and get out, sure why not I just have one thing to do before skipping town. is that okay with miss Elisabeth bathory over here." he chuckled at his last remark earning a steely glare from julie. she roughly grabbed him by the collar lifting him off the ground to meet the towering height she was in heels. 

"I don't care if you run off to kill the batman as long as you get the hell out of Gotham. understand clown?" her voice was calm and unfeeling but the room practically got colder as it echoed throughout the room. 

the joker cleared his throat he was a tad unnerved by her actions. "yes ma'am" he squeaked. 

she let go letting him fall to the floor a slight smile on her face and a smug one at that. "good. now get. out." the joker practically ran out of Arkham asylum into his car like a cartoon dust clouds rising, unnaturally twisty path the whole nine yards. Julie promptly returned to her apartment above Arkham smiling at her ability to intimidate the joker. 

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the joker sunk into the seat of his car angrily. he had been embarrassed and revenge was in order. "you think you're so tough. I can break you, I can break anyone. ill make you even more obsessed with me than quinn you stuck up bitch." he laughed dryly. "its not like this would be the first time I toyed with you." with that he pressed down on the gas tearing out of there like the maniac he was. towards the unsuspecting harley quinn and eventually the batman. he was going to tie those loose ends once and for all. 


after a cold shower and a costume change ivy was ready. she had decided to alter her usual outfit to a more conservative look. the leaves that had formed a strapless leotard now had long flowing sleeves past her elbows it gave her an almost goddess like look. harley pulled her half red half black hair into a single braid down her back. other than that her bodysuit was the same. just minus the jesters cap and clown collar. her unnaturally white skin stood out even more with Harley's black makeup and mask. 

"whatcha starin at?"  harley chuckled ivys eyes had lingered for perhaps a moment too long. 

"a flower as vibrant as you is meant to be admired." ivy shot back blushing a deep green. harley smiled running a hand down ivys arm. 

"I dont think I've ever seen ya wear sleeves." ivy toyed with the end of the sleeve. 

"you don't like it.." she bit her lip about ready to change it. 

"no no. I like it, its just different. good different. god we sound like a couple teens getting ready for school. c'mon lets go before we start talking about the negative effects of drugs or whatever the hell else the preach on sitcoms." ivy cracked a smile and they got into the car. the sun was almost down. night was upon them the time of the bat. luckily it was what they were looking for this time. they were in fact so preoccupied that they didnt notice the joker trailing them in his dark purple sports car. I wonder how long until they are trapped between the bat and the clown. 

find out next issue of harley quinn!

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