My worst nightmare

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Zak's POV

I opened my eyes as my vision adjusted to the light. Moaning I sat up and saw everything green, great I'm with Epsilon's people. That means I'm near Francis. Great I need to get out of here and fast I have too much going on that I have no time for the secret scientist. I wonder if mom and dad realize I'm not on the airship. A beep echoed throughout the room. Next thing I knew an electric shock went through my body. I opened my mouth as a scream erupted from my throat. It hurt so much that i feel off the bed I was sitting on. I curled into a ball as another beep echoed as another shock went through my body. I struggled against an unknown force and I cried as more shocks went through my body. Why is this happening to me...... I feel so numb now that I can't even tell where I am.........

Another half an hour later Epsilon and Francis walked into the room with a tray. Epsilon looked down at me and stared at my weak glare. Francis set the tray down and walked out of the room as Epsilon stood there before speaking.

"Well I hope the living quarters are too your liking"

"Mom and Dad will find me Epsilon and that's a fact"

"I wouldn't put too much belief in your family 'Kur' you are being hunted down because of what you are and you know it....... your family is better off without you don't you think Kur"

I grit my teeth as I try to pull myself up. As I tried to lunge at Epsilon another beep echoed through the room and another bolt of electricity shocked me. What am I? An animal are these people going this low, seriously. Epsilon gave a small smile before leaving the room. The door blended into the surrounding walls. Well this has to be the 'most wonderful day' yet. Damn Epsilon and his people. Even more Francis he was acting more weird than usual. I wonder what is happening back with everybody......

Goldie's POV

I'm worried about Zak since it's dinner time. Drew I came to me thinking that Zak had spoken to me at all today. When I answered her 'no' her face became more distressed. She told me that she went to check on him but no reply was heard. Most parents would barged into their child's room but she ways respectful of his space. I walk to his room and knock on the door once. No answer. I knock again. Again no answer.

"Hey Zak it's me Goldie......sorry if I had been ignoring you for a full week it's a lot to take in and understand..........Zak can we talk"

No answer that's whenI got suspicious and put my hand on the door. I could feel no movement in the room or hear any breathing sounds. How? I opened the door and saw nothing. Zak was gone I ran to the kitchen to see everybody stop what they were doing and look at me Drew was the first one to speak up.

"What's the matter Goldie?"

"Zak's not in his room, he's gone"

Bonbon yelped as he dropped his plate on his toes. He bright green eyes look over at me and bit his lip. Freddy and Fred stood up and everybody else knew what to do. We searched the airship top to bottom and there was no sign of Zak at all. That could only mean one thing he was kidnapped. But who? Now that I've noticed Komodo was missing as well. I teleported where no one dared to check and there was Komodo growling and holding a ripped cloth. I scratched a secret spot underneath his neck and grabbed ahold of the fabric. Sniffing it I coughed as it smelled of foreign objects and chemicals. Komodo followed me to where everyone was and walked up to Spring and laid right there at his feet. Spring patted Komodo as I handed the fabric to Doc. He sniffed it, looked at it, then stuck his tonuge on the fabric. Ew. Then he nodded his head.

"Yup Epsilon's people were here and they got Zak"

I growled as Doc handed the fabric to Drew so she could look at it closely. Luckily for me Bonbon and Bonnie has this ability to find anything in the world. It'll be hard to trick Bonnie but I'll have more luck with Bonbon cause all you have to say 'let's play a game' and he'll do anything to win the game.

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