I Got No Time

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Springtrap's POV
This weirdo is quite stupid. He wants the boy out of the way all cause the boy beat the $#@# out of him he wants revenge. Idiot I would have just kidnapped the boy and used him against his own family and friends simple really. But I feel this guy isn't human neither something is going on and I don't like it. Me and the innocent soul agrees something isn't right. Bon is clawing at his cage screaming about how the boy I saw was in great danger. I haven't been able to sleep nor close my eyes for even a second of rest due to him and his wack job servant, Munya. Something ain't right with any of this. One thing I know for sure is that the boy is my ticket out of this suit and that I'm being controlled by something.....no, someone. And I do not like this one bit but I will play along. For now. I wonder what the other animatronics are doing now.
"Yo Argost what do you have against the boy really"
"Finally you stopped using the inappropriate language of yours. I want the Saturday family to pay for what they made me loose"
"And that would be-"
"Capturing Kur and ruling over the world with a cryptid army..... But that little Saturday boy ruined everything he over powered Kur...... wait a second" I watch as his face turned into an evil smile creepy a$$ guy smiles never seen that before geez crazy motherf*@$#^ "Zak Saturday is Kur how could I possibly miss that. What I was controlling was a fake and the real thing was the boy...... hahaha..... Munya, Springtrap we have a little Kurling to kidnap from the Saturdays"
"What about our deal Argost?"
"Oh yes that we can still brainwash the boy but it has to be done right... let's go"
I have a bad feeling about this....... but......... oh well....... ready or not here we come Zak.

Zak's POV
It was strange that now we are sitting dumbfounded as we found it weird that goldie's older brother is a shadow and knows how to defeat Vincent. And what makes matters worst is that Argost is back and got his hands on Springtrap. I looked over at Goldie who was holding his head in his hands. Mom and dad went off somewhere as the others picked up the resturant for when this place ever opens. I start to feel tired but I have to stay awake for Goldie he's already taking this hard on himself. I hear the door open to see mom and dad walk in holding something. Curious I stood up and walked with them over to Goldie. Mom handed the bundle to Goldie as he just looked at it.
"Here Goldie a attire so you won't just have to wear a hoodie anymore and besides this would fit you much better than that hoodie"
A new outfit for Goldie....... Everyone encouraged him to go try it on so he went into the boys bathroom and came out wearing it. He was fixing his jacket before I took in the details.

(A/N ummm this is what it looks like but polebear style hair and have both ears and on the back is the Saturdays symbol )

(A/N ummm this is what it looks like but polebear style hair and have both ears and on the back is the Saturdays symbol )

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Wow Goldie looks cool with that on. He smiles as I run up to him and hug him.
"Now your really part of the family Goldie"
"And you can still summon those knives of yours without cutting your fingers on the blade when you use them"
"Thank you mom dad"
This is amazing on how I got a new brother that's awesome to be around with but sadly things turned sour as the power in the pizzeria went out which was weird it's past 6am right now. I held onto Goldie not wanting to get lost in this darkness. I felt Goldies arms wrap around me as him humble about something.
"Freddy did you forget to reset the power"
"I already did that maybe the circuit blew again" 
"Mwahahaha greetings and bievenew Saturdays..... I'm back for round two~"
Oh no... I know that voice and if you ask me it ain't a good sign to hear his voice in the darkness. Before I could do anything I was grabbed by the back of my shirt. I looked up and saw grey glowing eyes and last time I checked the only one with those eyes were......SPRINGTRAP...... Damn he's here as well this can't be good. Before I could scream Springtrap covered my mouth with his hand and wrapped his free arm around my waist and also trapping my arms to my sides. I can't believe this kidnapped twice in the same place. I tried to struggle free but he kept a tight grip on me. I felt us moving as I felt him breath on my neck. Creepy.
As he took a step back something hit my leg and I couldn't see anything in this darkness.... damn I guess iu do have to use my powers for this. Closing my eyes I focused deep down trying to call apon kur for help. When I felt the power come to surface I opened my eyes to see everyone trying to look around and I saw what hit my feet it was bonbon but he looked like he was hurt. He reached behind him and touched my pant leg before looking up and smiling. His glowing emerald green eyes showing his joy. Slowly he stood up and he reach to where he was leveled with me in springtraps arms and grabbed his guitar from behind him and hit springtraps shin.
Springtrap yelped as he let go of me and bonbon caught me before I could even hit my butt on the ground and took off running. For a small moment I saw an orange glint in bonbons eyes did I command him or something. Dunno till things cool off but like that's ever going to happen. We made a break for the exit and stopped when we were underneath the street light. Bonbon put me down next to the pole and gripped his guitar harder than I've seen him ever. Then I remembered something...
"What about my mom and dad? What about Mike? They are still in there we have to save them"
Bonbon looked at me than back to the doors we just came out of. He sighed and lowers the guitar a bit turning sideways so I could see half of his face.
"Goldie told me just to find you and escape. He also told me that he has a plan to keep them safe. You were his main concern. He oknows your tired and knew you won't be able to stay up for longer than what you already had..... so...... wait mangle was suppose to be with me."
"Right here.... sorry for the wait I had to take a detour cause a giant ugly spider was blocking the one door"
A girl with white hair and white fox ears jumped down beside me. Her outfit is weird to explain but she wore this purple cape that covered mostly everything that she wore. She sat beside me and pulled me into her lap and wrapped her cape around the both of us. It felt so warm and cozy that my vision started to fade off and I feel asleep.

BonBon's POV
It's good that Zaks getting some sleep. Goldie told me that using his unique power left him tired and he did use it to see me in the darkness. I felt his power for a moment but that was all of it. He must of felt the connection and disconnect it. I miss it strangely enough. I heard movement as mangle  held onto Zak tighter and I raised my guitar. Out of the shadows came a ginger woman wear a teal blue. Then this guy wearing pink sunglasses and have this stupid look on his face. I have a bad feeling about this so I looked over towards mangle to see that she was already hiding Zak from their view with her purple cape. That thing sure does come in handy doesn't it.
"Oh great tourist"
"Authur be more respectful basically we're the tourist here..... excuse me but can we have the boy that is in the young ladies arms"
I have this woman a dirty look. They think me and mangle are that stupid. Goldie warned us about these people they are bad news for Zak. I'm glad that he fell asleep in mangoes cape. So he doesn't have to deal with these creeps. I 'tched' as I raised my guitar even higher above my head I'm not going down until a fight. I promised Goldie I would take great care of Zak for him. The man known as 'Authur' wasn't too pleased about my action as he stepped forward looking pissed.
"Just hand us the spikey haircut and you guys don't have to get hurt"
Now that pissed me off. I growled as I let my anger rise into my guitar. All of us have weapons really but it's hard to call them out. My guitar turned into a sword that looked like a chainsaw rolled into one. I smiled as I saw their scared faces the ginger gasped and whispered quietly but I still heard due to my bunny ears.
"What are you?"
"My name is Toy Bonnie but my friends call me BonBon for short. Now go before I let go of my sanity and kill you now you wouldn't want that now would you?"
I watch asthey booked it into the darkness of the night. That was close but I managed awithout them taking Zak. Geez that was stressful to handle but it's too quiet...... way too quiet and I'm starting to get worried about the others.
I took a step forward and how stupid was I got attack by the spider dude as a blur ran past us and towards mangle. I heard her scream as I pushed the guy off to only see Springtrap running off carrying Zak away. I dropped to my knees I failed Goldie. My job was to protect Zak and I failed.

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