Chapter 3

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Sonic and the Power of the Shades Stones

By the ever lazy (but still getting it done) Cutegirlmayra1

Ch. 3

"Hey, Eggman. Don't you think diving right into a storm is considered careless driving?" Sonic said, now having three robots holding him suspended in mid air. One was holding his feet, another his arms tightly to his sides, and the other was gripping his legs.

"The place we're going, Sonic, is one that wishes not to be disturbed. What you see before you is it's very essence trying to keep itself protected from outsiders." Eggman explained, sitting in his big chair a few feet above and in the center of where Bocoe and Docoe were below, controlling the large blimp like aircraft.

"Don't you know it's rude to barge in to someone's home without knocking, Eggman?" Sonic teased, but inside he was worried. The storm was tossing the large metal airship to and from. Even Docoe and Bocoe were ducking and wincing at each air blast the ship took or whip of powerful rain and lightening.

"Wooohohoho!" Eggman let out a hoarse laugh, "Why knock when it's so much easier to let yourself in. With a spare key that is.." he held up a capsule with Sonic's hair in it. Sonic let out a gasp.

"Hey! That's my hair!"

"Right you are, Sonic!" the whole ship was hit with another powerful blast that made everyone rock a bit in the boat. "whooooah ohh.." the whole crew wobbled as the ship corrected itself. "Decoe! Bocoe! Can't you drive any smoother!"

"We're sorry, Doctor Eggman." the robots said in shame. Docoe sighed, "But the storm is getting worse the more and more we head toward Liema!"

"Liema? Where's that?" Sonic asked, blinking his eyes in confusion but also curiously wondering where Eggman was taking him, and what he secretly wanted with him.

"heh heh, stumped at one of my plans are we?" Eggman mused, turning around to the captured Sonic.

"I can never figure out your plans, Eggman. There just so out there and ridiculous! But I won't lie, I try to play out your way of thinking up such ideas in my head. To bad I always have to stop cause I can't stop laughing at how dumb they are!"

"Why you-!" before Eggman could lash out at Sonic's remark, the Ship began to fall. "What's happening!" Eggman turned around back to his subordinates.

"A bolt of lightening hit right through the ship and slice one of the main engines, doctor!" Bakkun cried out, the whole ship then plummeted to a angled landing. Having everyone cry out as the impact completely wrecked the front tip of the airship.

"Blast this cursed land! If all goes well, I might just forgive this little incident... for now."

Back with Amy rose, she hurried to where the trail led too, an old boat dock. The wind was wild for some reason, and she suddenly felt her pocket vibrate from her cell phone.

"Tails?" she asked into the speaker, finally picking the phone up.

"Amy! I'm glad your safe. Sonic's been kidnapped by Eggman!" Tails quickly cried through the phone.

"What? That's impossible! Sonic would never let himself get stolen so easily! I should know.." she huffed, the worst news to her was that her hero was in trouble. The best news, however, was that he had saved the day without a sweat, and was dashing towards her home for some well earned brunch...

"Amy, this is serious! Rouge is here and just had me decipher one of Eggman's maps." Tails spoke quickly, but managed not to let one single detail be misunderstood. "If this writing is correct, then Sonic's in big trouble! We need to head to an accursed land called Liema!"

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