Chapter 8

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Sonic and The Shade Stones

By: Cutegirlmayra1(My Favorite character is introduced in this chapter 8'D plz love him, he be so funneh~)

Ch. 8

Amy whimpered a little in the darkness, she got up slowly and then spread her hands out in front of her. "I never did like the dark...Voice? Voice are you there?"

'Fear not, Amy. Simply think light.'

"K...Light, glorious, bright, shining, HO NOW!" suddenly her hand started to blaze with a bright, white flame. It was soothing to the touch, and Amy smiled at it's warmth. She thought it to be like a little night light, as it slowly decreased in size and a beam shot out of it. She pointed it to the ground and it looked like a flash light. "Heh, heh. I guess I need to be careful about what I think huh? Like, I can't think of blasting the wall above me to get out or anything right..?"

'Amy! Stop! Don't think destruction!'

Amy started to flip out, "Uh..uh, okay. No big booms, no missile launches, and absolutely no bombs!" she started running through the tunnel, panicking. "I don't think it's mentally possible to stop thinking!"

"Mediation is a good start. Quite right you are, dear boy! Did I give you permission to speak? Oh, sorry. It's all good."

Amy stopped running, she moved her hand-like flash light around in the pitch black dark, seeing the strange voice was coming from the cave near her.

The voice gasped, "Oh dear! I think she spotted us! Nah, she couldn't have. But look! She's looking right into our cave! Great mercury! Run! Wait, I think she's friendly. Get a hold of yourself, Wizy!" she heard footsteps running down the cave, and quickly decided to followed them.

"W-wait! I am friendly! Who are you? Come back! Don't leave me alone!" she cried out, dashing after them, but tripping time and again on the little rocks on the ground. As she kept moving, she heard the voice keep talking to himself until she reached a large cave filled with strange, artificial light. She held her other hand over her eyes, trying to step forward and blinking fast to see what the heck it was, but she fell into yet another sliding panel as she screamed going down some sort of slide like formation in the rocks.

"Good golly! She's found our home! Splendid! Let's treat her to tea. Fool, we don't drink tea. Oh, quite right, my bad. S'all right you old hoot. whohoot!"

Amy was flung off the slide into what looked like a crowded study room. She crashed landed into a pile of desk with tons of books on it. They flutted up into the air and then fell all over her. She moaned and got up, one book opened on her face. She quickly moved it off to see a library of books, the whole room looked dusty but a fireplace was roasting what smelled like chicken over itself. "Where am I..?" Amy wondered, getting up.

"My, are you alright? Of course she's alright! Would she be able to get up if she wasn't!? Well, there's no need to shout now is there? Be polite and let's introduce our self. My name is Ol'Wizy the Burrowing Owl. Eh, whoot?" An old man with long and what looked to be ragged old clothes that resembled a wizard like outfit stood above her. He had a brown colors and a long mustache that hung down and curled up at the end. His glasses were small and drooped slightly as he bent down to see her. He adjusted his glasses and smiled, "You seem to be interested in this islands new visitor, Whowhoot? The one they're calling, eh, Dark Sonic?"

"You know about Sonic?" Amy asked, moving the book off her head and looking at him in surprise.

"Why yes, whohoot, the large, scary, and booming monster said his name frequently. Much to my sleeping schedules dismay." he offered her his hand, so she could get up.

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