Chapter 5

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Sonic and the Power of the Shade Stones

By: Cutegirlmayra1 (who, btw likes reviews and tips, etc. so don't be afraid to comment!)

Ch. 5

Amy helplessly walked around the beach, opposite of Shadow's direction. She kicked what she thought was a stone but was really the shell of a crab who glared at her fearlessly and then crawled off. She sighed, what was she gonna do? 'Hopefully,' she thought, 'Tails will repair the plane and come back to rescue me and Sonic.'. Then she thought about Sonic and how he attacked them, she shook her head. "Sonic would never attack us! He must be trapped in his body or something. I'm sure Tails will think of something to free him! Anything!" she started crying, remembering his cruel smile as he watched the plane disappear into the dark hurricane he created. "Ohh, I can't cry now.." Amy said through a shaking voice, due to her crying. She sniffed, "I have to find some way off of here.. But first, I need shelter right? That's what all the survivor shows talk about." she made her way deeper into the jungle, without knowing she was being followed...

Back with Eggman, he sat in his large chair, which now tilted to a side due to the large air ship being flung down. While he angrily thought, the other robots were repairing the ship, and Docoe was cooking while Bocoe brought over the Doctor's meal.

"Here you go, Doctor Eggman. A delicious omelet!" Bocoe placed the tray in front of him.

"Fool!" Eggman smashed the plate away from him, as it's contents were thrown into the air. Bocoe panicked but skillfully was able to catch each item and have it land where it once stood before, he let out a sigh of relief. "Can't you see that my ultimate change of world domination is on the line here! And you serve me food?!" he slammed his fist on the arm rest of the chair. "I want Sonic! Can you buffoons bring me him on a sliver plate!?" Docoe and Bocoe began running frantically around while Eggman threw a tantrum and begun flinging mechanical tools like wrenches and screwdrivers at them. Bakkun hovered up to Eggman nervously and stopped him for a moment as he held his hands up to speak,

"Hold on, Eggman! Don't we have those left over Robots like E-something or other? Like that one that betrayed you, Omega, was it?" Bakkun saw Eggman lower his fist slowly.

"True,... I do have some spares... alright. Send them to hunt down Sonic." he sat back in his chair, trying to be as straight as he could be even with the added tilt. "What are you standing around for?! Gather them up and get on with it!" he swung at Bakkun but he was able to dodge it and fly off quickly,

"Right away, Eggman! Please don't hurt me!" he exited the door, flying past the other two guard robots with electrical spears in there hands.

Eggman then looked at Bocoe and Docoe, "Well? What are you waiting for? Bring me my omelet! I'm starved!" the two robots blinked for a moment and then scrambled to appease there master, "Coming Doctor Eggman!" they shouted in unison.

Amy made her way carefully across an uneasy rock formation that looked like a bridge over two large cliffs. She wobbled a bit, and a lose rock fell. She watch it, but it never made a sound, she gulped and moved on. Below her, Dark Sonic moved skillfully on the side of the bridge, hidden within the shade and also directly behind her. 'She doesn't seem to sense my presence, I could end her existence now...' he moved one hand up, it began to charge dark power within it, Ready to blast on command. Amy moved one big foot over to the next small distance of earth near here, but something made her flinch. She turned around and looked behind her, something in her was telling her to prepare herself, but she couldn't understand what. Sonic let his hand back down, 'It couldn't be..' he stated in complete hatred. Amy moved along, looking back every now and again, and finally almost coming to the end,

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