Chapter 6, This is Halloween

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Chapter 6, This is Halloween

I didnt know what to do. I didnt know what to think and i especially didn't know what to feel. So many emotions were swimming in my mind. I felt anger, passion and guilt. The kiss spoke louder in my mind than his words. The kiss had said it all, this kiss had told me more than he verbally told me. My eyes started welling up. I ran upstairs, put my pjs on, took my makeup off and curled up under the duvet of my bed. I picked up the picture on my bed side table. I felt scared. I wasn't sure if i was still over James.. i put the picture down, closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

i woke up at 10:00 am on saturday. I lay in bed. The events of last night replay in my head. I got out of bed, had a shower, dried myself and put my dads 'The Jam' shirt on. I switched on my laptop and went on facebook. I was drawn straight away to the first item on my newsfeed.

Harry Styles went from being In A Relationship To Single.

I went through the comments. Lots of girls names i recongised from me classes had commented on it, with commenst such as 'Oh ma god babe! what happened! im here if you wanna talk xxx <3 <3". Harry hadn't replied to any of the comments. I felt low. The next thing i know my blackberryis buzzing.


Charlotte Hanson

I hesitated, then answered

"Hello" i said in a low voice

"OH MY GOD katie! Have you seen! Harry and kathy broke up!" she said excitedly

"yeah.. i know.. i saw"

"Oh.. are you alright?"

I then proceded to tell her about last night and how i was feeling.

"Oh katie, don't feel like that! This is great news!.. isn't it?!"

"I don't know. I don't know what to do now, i've never been in this situation before. I feel so helpless" i said, feeling like i was about to cry.

"Oh katie, i wish there was something i could do" said Charlotte sounding concerned

"It's alright, im just glad i could have someone to talk to, thanks charlotte" i said "Right, im going to go tidy the house, ill talk to you later"

"Alright katie, if there's anything i can do let me know" said charlotte cheerfully and hung up.

I spent the next few hours tiding the house. Cleaning up all the bottles, the empty boxes the chinese came in and hoovering the livivng room. I washed up all the plates and glasses and then went and sat the the sofa. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was now 12:47. I just sat on my couch, trying to decide what to do today. I went to the kitchen, made myself some toast and a cup of tea and went up stairs to get dressed. I decided to go for a walk to clear my head a little. I came home at about 2.  I spent the rest of the day moping about the house, eating and watching tv. I resisted going on facebook because i knew the only thing i'd do would be to go onto Harry's profile. Sunday was pretty much the same as the day before. I hadn't spoken to harry since friday. I decided to go onto facebook before i went to bed. I had a few notifications, no really important ones though. Charlotte had posted a '<3' on my wall, i smiled and replied to the wallpost. For 10 minuets i was just endlessly clicking through profiles and had come to Harrys. Lots of different girls had posted on his wall telling him that they're 'there for him'. Im guessing that was to do with a break up. He hadn't updated his status, so i was guessing he hadn't been online. I updated my facebook status with some lyrics from the song Lets Go To Bed by The Cure "I don't care if you don't, and i don't feel if you don't. I don't want it if you don't and i won't say it if you don't say it first" and went offline and went to bed.

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