Chapter 10, Into Oblivion

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Chapter 10, Into Oblivion

I stepped onto the platform, the farmiliar smelling air dancing in my nostrils. I made my way over to the barriers and out of the station. The stattion took you right near the main shops of brighton. I stared around, absorbing the familiar surrondings that had once been my home. Brighton was the complete opposite to Holmes Chapel. Holmes Chapel was quiet, peacefull and slow going. Brighton was loud, busy and hecktic. I started walking down it's farmiliar streets. I could have got a taxi, but i needed to stretch my legs. I didn't want to listen to my ipod. I wanted to absorbe the sounds, the stream of cars and busses, the soft summer breeze shaking the trees. After about half an hours walk i arrived at a house. I had to walk up a few steps, dragging my suitcase up along with me. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell of the very familiar house. The door opened, my heart beat getting faster...

"Katie?! KATIE! What are you doing here love?!" smiled a middleaged man as he dashed to hug me

"Dad!" i said through tears of happiness. "I miss you so much" i said, hugging my dad for a long time. "I'll explain, help with with my case though" i smiled.

We walked into the farmiliar kitchen, dad putting the kettle on. "What brings you here then love? You should've called to let us know!"

"us?" i said sounding confused

"Oh, you remember Julie from my old work place? Well, shes sort of, moved in.. I was going to tell you soon..." he said looking guilty

"Dad that's fantastic!" i said taking a sip from my tea. He had made it just how i had liked it. Julie was a really nice lady. Dad had taken a shine to her almost instantly, and she used to come over for dinner all the time.

"Thanks love" he said, positivley glowing. "Why are you here then?" he said looking concerned

"Well.. I don't really wanted to go into it too much." i said. Me and dad were closer than me and mum, but i don't think i needed to go into all the details with dad. " I just need to get away from that place. Get some fresh air, clear my head" i said

"Yes because living in Holmes Chapel, fresh air must be hard to come by" joked dad. "So hows your mum"

"She's alright i suppose. She got a job in The city so we don't really get to spend too much time together, but she's doing well, what about you dad?" i said. Just beign aroudn my dad was cheering up, i'd almost forgotten about harry.

"Im doing well, got a promotion a few weeks ago, that why i was able to send you a bit of money" smiled dad "you hungry?"

I just then realised i hadn't eaten at all that day. I was starving.

"yeah im pretty hungry actually dad!" i said

"Well, do you fancy some chips from the dolphin?" he asked. The dolphin was our local fish and chip shop, they honestly did the best chips in Brighton.

"Yes please. Im going to go put my stuff upstairs if thats alright" i said smiling

"Alright love.. How long you staying for?" dad asked pleasantly. I hadn't thought about it.

"As long as it takes i suppose" i said, frowning slightly "also, can i use the house phone to call mum?"

He nodded, i grabbed the phone and my case and made my way up the spiral staircase into what was once my bedroom. I put my suitcase on the floor. Everything was as i'd left it, apart from my books, clothes and posters which. My single bed with satin sheets still lay untouched. My pictures of the last day of school still stood on my bedside table. I lay myself on my bed, called mum and explained everything to her.

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