Chapter 7, All Of This

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Chapter 7, All Of This

Harrys POV

Nerves hightening, stomach feeling tighter and a feeling of butterflies showed a somewhat mixed emotion from my face. Louis obviously noticed.

"Whats up buddy?!" he said, passing me another beer.

"I don't know, im just nervous" i replied, taking off the cap.

"Don't be! Just be confident, she probably feels the same way, plus we're leaving soon and i don't want to show up with you looking all mardy!" said louis jokingly

"I don't know.. We haven't spoken about anything, Im pretty sure i've already been friend zoned" i said quite sadly

"Look mate, you have this one night to show her you ment what you said thoes weeks ago. Man up and just go for it, it's better than not doing anything about it and just feeling sorry for yourself, wondering about what could have been" said louis playfully

"Alright alright! point made!" i said finishing my beer. "Lets go, before i change my mind"

"Okay boss!" said louis as he got up.

After about 7 minuets of walking we got to her house. I felt the butterflies in my stomach build up so much it was overwhelming. I'd never felt like his before. We rang the doorbell and charlotte answered.

"Hey charlotte" i smiled.

"Alright harry!" she replied.

"Oh hello charlotte! You are looking particularly ravishing tonight" said louis, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She looked slightly taken aback, but returned the hug and the kiss on the cheek. I knew Louis liked her and im pretty sure she liked him too.

"Oh, thanks! Come in, come in. Katie will be down in a second, shes just grabbing her bag" she said, leading us in.

We stood there, waiting in anticipation and then there she was, walking down the stairs. I fiddled nervously with my thumbs. She looked absolutey gorgeous. She looked really freaking sexy too. I just stood there, mouth slightly open lost for words. I wanted to hold her, to kiss her, but i knew she didn't feel that way.

She walked over and hugged me, holding on for a little longer than normal. After saying hello and goodbye to her mum, we left. On instinct, without thinking much i grabbed Katie's hand. It felt natural and welcoming. She didnt pull away, but entwined her fingers in mine, my heart beat racing. What did this mean? I thoughtt as we made our way to the party.

During the party i kept loosing her. Im sure she wasn't far and there were other people she wanted to talk to, but i just wanted to be with her. I mean, i was glad i was with everyone, im glad they were here, but i couldn't get thoughts of how amazing she looked. I anted to hold her, to embrace her, to kiss her. I wanted to let her know how much i wanted her. As the night got later i spotted her on the dance floor dancing with hannah, she spotted me and before we knew it we were dancing suggestivley and flirting.My heart beat getting fast with every touch and movement she made. My hands on her tiny waist, the touch of her lips of mine as she swayed side to side, the way she pulled me away from the party upstairs with  a sexy confidence.

As we stripped i took a moment to marvel at her body. Her underware hugged her curves perfectly. The way her piercings sparkled in the moonlight, which  also refleced the radiant, hungry look in her eyes... The way she caresed my jaw line...

Katies POV

I woke up the next morning, head pounding, the sunlight pouring in from the  gaps in the blinds irritating my eyes. It took a while for me to get used to my surroundings, memories of last night dashing though my mind.. I looked around the room. There were no sign of Harry, his clothes nor anything to prove that he had actually stepped into this room. If it wasn't for the fact i was laying naked in a bed, even i wouldn't have thought he had been in here. He was probably downstairs. I put my underware on and pulled my dads the jam shirt from my bag, along ith my make up wipes. I took my extentions out, put the top on and took my make up off. I then brushed my hair into a messy bun and proceded down stairs. Louis, Charlotte and Zayn had just finished tidying up. Charlotte was wearing Louis shirt from last night, so something obviously happened there.

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