Chapter 9, Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

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Chapter 9, Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Me, Charlotte, Hannah, Louis, Zayn and Harry headed towards the field where people were busying themselves with tents. It was 6:00pm, the music acts started at 7:30pm. Harry, Zayn and Louis only knew a few of the acts, but decided to join Hannah, Charlotte and I because we were excited about it. Zayn and Hannah were sharing a tent, Charlotte and Louis had a big tent (which woulc be where we would hang while there were no acts on, and eat) I had brang a text, but Harry insisted i stayed in his since he thought it would be 'Safer', After much persuasion, I agreed, but set my small one man tent up so we could store our alcohol and bags in it. Graham had a tent of his own. I looked over to matt and he was struggling to put his text up.

"Guys im going to go help gray set his tent up, ill bring a crate in when we're finished." i said, kissing harry on the cheek and exiting Louis and Hannahs massive 6 man tent.

"Need a hand?" i said to a frustrated looking graham. He noded and 5 minuets later his tent was set up in the small circle of all our tents. "You can put your alcohol and bag in my tent, we're just using that as strorage pretty much.

"Where are you sleeping then?" asked as he put a crate of 20 ciders down in my tent.

"In harrys of course" i said, smiling picking up a crate of beer.

We walked over and let our selfs into the text, gray being shy at first but after a few beers losening up. Soon, we all tipsily made our way to the main stage where Mac Miller was playing. At about 12, we made our way, even more drunkly, back to the tents. The bar staff in the alcohol stalls didn't ask any of us for ID which was brilliant, and drinks were cheap. After a round of goodbyes we stubled our way drunkardly into our tents. Harry's had a double blow up bed on the side with 2 quilts on it (one being mine) and next to the bed on the floor were comfortable floormatts and plenty of cushons.

Harry zipped shut the tent, me laying down on one side of the blow up bed, giggiling at the way had fallen backwards the first time he attempted to zip the tent. He soon made his way over to me, crawling since there was not enough head room to stand properly and he was way too drunk to balance by 'crouch down walking. He put his hands supporting his weight either side of my head, and lent down to kiss me. A lustfull and tanalising kiss, his eyes hungry and wanting. his kisses soon moved down to my neck....

I woke up the next morning, pain radiating through my head. I slipped on my underware, the cure tshirt and denim shorts from last night, kissed harry on the forehead, unlocked the padlock from the tent ( we didn't want people walking in on us last night) and i stepped outside. Everyone else was already up and i saw  disposeable BBQ's on the floor.

"Whats the time?" i mumbled, heading for my tent to find the bag with my clothes in

"About 10" laughed Graham "Deaf Havana are on at 12 if you're up for"

I nodded, ziped myself into my text and changed into my the clash vest and highwaisted shorts and returned to the group, harry had now woken up and was sitting next to charlotte.

"We got some vegetarian sasuages on this BBQ for you" smiled Louis

"How very kind of you" i smiled and took a seat next to graham.

It soon got to 11:30. "Katie, we should get going if we want to catch them" said gray grabbing a beer and passing me one "You're right, anyone else coming?"

"You're drinking already?!" exclaimed Hannah

"We're at a festival on a beatiful june morning, we're young and might aswell have fun while we can!" i said winking, everyone else had decided to recover for a bit, and would be joining us at 3 to catch Example, since Deaf Havana wasn't their cup of tea.

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