Chapter 1

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I'm not normal, i'll tell you that, but i am more human then my perants.

My name is Dawn Mooneast. I look like your normal, (normal yeah HAHA sure) teenager, i'm not a shorty like my best friend or tall like my brother but at least I am the average height for 16 years old. I live in Canada, (Yeah, Canada). I moved to canada because of family reasons. Well, it's quite complicated really... you see we are werewolves. My mother is a Eastern timber Wolf. This means she is a beautiful salt and pepper grey, she has creme paws tail and muzzle while her back is grey. My dad is very similar, he is a Great Plains wolf, he has a darker coat that isn't as thick of wirey as mums but still, his dark coat is soft and an extremely dark grey colour so having two dark coated perants you would think that i am dark as well right? Well lucky me, the Great Wolves, (They are our dead ancestors in the sky), thought it would be funny to make me an arctic wolf. Do you even realise what colour that makes me? White. I'm a white wolf, and did i also mention that i'm not very popular? 


The school bell trills above my head as I trudge off the bus, my dead white hair falls infront of my face and threatens to agitate my nose, I sniff and try not to sneeze. Suddenly I hear footsteps behind me, I swing around quickly and come face to face with Leila Heartwood, my best friend, though sometimes she's a bit more than a friend, it's more like my personal stalker. She smiles at me wildly and giggles.

"He sat next to me!" she squeaks loudly, i peer around the feild, we've missed assembaly.

"I said he SAT next to me!" she cries again, i look down at her, gosh she's so short.

"Good for you Leila, did you sniff him again? your such a stalker." i joke, she turns and nearly faints, Jake jenkins strides towards us, his dark brown hair is styled as cute messy bed hair, but styled into a flip, infact everything about Jake seems to be styled! His perfect white teeth, his perfect intense green eyes, his perfect bulging biceps that are rock solid under his shirt, his perfect six pack... he is just naturally perfect, and I knew Leila had a crush on him because when ever he was around she went all hardcore stalker, always sniffing him and scruffling his hair, talking about his house with him and how there was a new leak in his room or a broken window.

He saw us watching him and continued to close in on us, Leila looked at me and then looked back over at Jake, she seemed to be hypnotized by his everything. I didn't have a thing for him unlike Leila though, i liked his best friend Trip Haverstone. Jake didn't even glance at me, instead he focused his eyes on Leila, his half smile seemed to make Leila fly off into the clouds.

"Hey Leila," he smirked, still not looking at me, I tapped my foot.

"You looked so lonely over here all by yourself." my mouth falls open, by herself?!?! Jake Jenkins had just said the wrong thing at the wrong time, I was just about to go all hardout on him when Leila finally spoke,

"Your right i was getting lonely." She paused, "But now your here." I stood there gaping at her like a stunned sheep, Jakes eyes looked up breifly and caught me staring at him, his mouth twisted into a wicked sneer as he steers Leila away from me, what a friend stealer he is!

First, Second and third period trails by slowly and when lunch finally comes round it seems that there is a new couple, Leila and Jake. Leila approaches me like a happy cockroach.

"NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN B**CH." she hollers, I stare at her.

"what do you mean?" i ask, her little round face goes beet red.

"Jake told me what you said about me." She squeals, i look at her puzzled.

"What do you mean?" I stutter "I never said anything about you! He's lying!" Leila stares at me, and then spits on the ground, I feel a sudden rush of releif. When we were little we used to always play tricks on eachother and then we would spit on the ground to make sure the other person knew it was a joke or to play along. I open my mouth and let off a laugh, she joins in with my laughing and gives me a hug. She then pulls away.

"But really." She looks away, "What did you actually say?" I look at her and shrug.

"Nothing." And thats the truth i never said anything about her, she smiles and slips her arm through mine.

"Who would've thought that a quiet girl like you would be friends with a happy, crazy, stalker like me?" I laugh at that.

"Definatly not me." I shrug and then without another thought me and Leila walk from the canteen without looking back, but of course only to come face to face with Jake and Trip, this really isn't my lucky day.



The air is fresh around me and and the ground dry, the hot summer air doesn't agree with my arctic fur and I start to sweat, panting I race up to Leila's house, off the back of her porch  is a huge forest where the wild wolves live, they are grey wolves, deffinatly not werewolves thats for sure. Leilas home comes into veiw and i let off a howl that rumbles from deep inside my throat. Leila soon appears at her window wearing not much, she doesn't know i'm a werewolf but she knows that i'm a unique wolf. She finishes putting on her clothes and then jumps at something that only she must've heard, i see her walk into her hallway and then i lose sight of her. 

Moments later she reappears with Jake, i growl and raise my hackles. I see both of their mouths moving as they watch me, Jake stares straight and my eyes making my anger rage up inside me, he probably followed her home, she was supposedly busy this afternoon. They both lose interest in me and start passionatly kissing. I nearly cough up a rabbit bone. I watch them silently as they clambor around I can see that she is trying to cook something while still kissing, makes me want to be sick. I snarl one last time and then race home, Jake is extremely bad news, and i know it.

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