Chapter 6

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I never knew heaven was a hospital ward. In fact, I never even knew heaven actually existed... until now that is.

I sit up in the soft crunchy sheets of the little hospital bed, I immediately regret this because of the angry pain that shoots through my back and legs. Weird. I never knew heaven had pain too. The little room in luminous and (very) well lit by big lights hanging from the low ceiling. The sounds of soft beeping and whooshing is constant and a little annoying. I feel the pressure of bandages and cotton wraps cover all of my lower body and back, wondering why they're there I try to move back the cover to look. Big mistake.

"Now, now. Y'all not wanna do that." It's nurse hillbilly again, I watch her with sharp eyes.

"Why?" I ask curiously, nurse hillbilly smiles sweetly.

"Oh honey..." -wait nurse hillbillies in heaven? that's rather odd.- "There was a terrible, terrible fire at you cottage last night. There are three degree burns up your legs and all over you back. The nerves weren't too badly damaged though. I say with all the new creams and stuff we have there will be not a single scar on y'all!" nurse hillbilly chirps happily, once again I feel like chundering.

"Who found me? Who brought me in?" I ask sheepishly.

"A young lady that's called Veronica Carter came in. She said she found you in your bedroom as the fire raced up the inside walls, she said you were trapped in the flames. Now y'all are a lucky one because if she hadn't have fou..." Nurse hillbillies voice falls into the background and I feel yet another wave of nausea kick into gear. Veronica Carter. She was my best friend before Leila, she moved away with her parents to Australia and never kept in touch. I thought Veronica had left my life until early last year when she finally emailed me saying hello and how are you. I hadn't told her about Leila. So why had she come back? Why didn't she tell me that she was coming back? Where is she now? Nurse hillbilly continues, "But she seemed friendly enough you see-"

"Just shut up." I snap at nurse hillbilly, she stops mid-sentence and her mouth hangs open.

"Sorry... what?"

"I said shut up."


I sigh mightily and point an accusing finger at her. "You need to shut up. I have a wicked headache and I would like you to stop talking. Now. Plus a painkiller would be good don't you think? I'm in pain if that isn't obvious!" She looks at me like I've just shot her in the face.

"Would y'all like a painkiller?" She asks slowly.

"I just said I wanted one."


She shuffles over to the corner of the room and  unlocks a safe that has a big key hole in the front. After a moments hesitation she pulls out two painkillers and puts them on a little tray.

"Where is she?" I ask.

She locks the safe.

"Where is she?" I repeat.

She slides the tray onto my lap and grabs a glass of cold water for me.

"Look lady I said where is she? Veronica I mean, not Leila. I know where Leila is." I snarl once again. Hillbilly supports herself on the end of the bed.

"Veronica went to a hotel I think." nurse states. "She said which hotel in case y'all wanted to see her but---"


"But I've forgotten."

I stare at her blankly, I grab the pain killers with the water and swallow.

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