Chapter 5

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Stuff poison.

Who would've done this to her?

Leila I mean, not Lucky-one (The rat under the house.) If Lucky-one got poisoned that would be all goods.

But Leila?



I sit up and look around, Jake's next to me with his head lolling to the side. Drool stains his shoulder, or should I say his T-shirt?

"Jake?" I snarl, his eyes flutter and he looks at me like I'm on fire.

"You're awake?" he asks dumbly. I sit there looking at him with big eyes.



"What time is it?"

"Around eleven." He says peering at his watch.

"At night?"

"No morning time. You were unconscious for an hour you know."

"Actually I fell asleep after a while." I mumble, he shrugs.

"Well Leila's ok." he says sadly. I wonder if he actually sounds disappointed? "They pumped the poison out of her but her livers fucked as it is."

I nod again.

"I'm going to see her." I say standing up, Jake just nods. He then opens his mouth about to say something but then decides it's not important. I turn away.

With shaky steps I push open the door and walk down the small illuminated hallway. Leila's door is at the end but with every step I take a sick feeling in my stomach grows stronger. The hallway is painted light blue and the lights shine down the hall. There are no windows just doors to various rooms.

I finally reach her door and pause outside, my breathings shallow and sweat makes my hair stick to my face. Inside I hear the occasional beep and mumble, she must be awake.

I push the door open and gasp, there she sits (Leila I mean not lucky-one) reading a mag! Like she's not even got poison coursing through her veins! I let out a little squeal and rush over to where she lies. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Leila! How are you?" I cry, she smiles again and pulls the thumbs up. I cock my head to the side.

"Dude, why aren't you speaking?" I ask. Her brow lines deepen.

"I am speaking." she rasps. I take a step back shocked at the transformation in her vocal pitch. hat used to be a calm mellow tone is now a scratchy forced one.

"What happened to your voice?"

"The poison burnt my voice."

"Vocal chords."


I just stand there gaping at her.

"Dawn... You look..." She tries but I can tell her throat is starting to hurt.

 "Leila just tell me tomorrow." I say calmly, she nods.

I peer at my watch.

"Shit! Sorry Leila but I really gotta go! I forgot i'm working today! Love you! Bye!" Leila waves back as I hurry out the door in a sheer panic.

"JAKE!" I shout barging into the TV room, his head jerks up.

"You okay?"

"I need to borrow your car today!"

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