Chapter 7

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They next few weeks are full of crying and worry, the strange girl doesn't appear and the police are certain that the murder of Francis Jenkins was caused by wolves. Jake and I monitor Leila every spare second of the day because my fever's gone but the burns remain.

The hospital bed sheets are crisp and fresh as I sit texting Jake.

Hi Jake. Leila out of come? Frm F.A. (fallen angel)

I put my phone down and stare at nurse Lynn (AKA hillbilly) as she potters around with papers and pens.

"Nurse?" I ask tentatively, she looks up.

"What y'all need now? y'all a picky one ye are."  she drawls, I sit up a little straighter.

"Is Leila getting treatment?"

"Honey y'all know she's in a coma."

"I know but can she get radio treatment."



"Yeah okay. Thanks nurse hi... Nurse Lynn."


I walk down the dark path and see nothing but dead wilted roses and sharp thorns. The little stone walkway ends and I stand there looking for the next stretch of walkway. There is no more space to walk on so I decide to tear my through the brambles. I HAVE to escape this place. Strange whispers and unknown calls pull me in every direction, but to be fear, the old dead corpses arms tug at me too. My ripped wedding dress is broken and the hem undone. The veil is made of the lightest smokes and swirls in aggressive patterns as I break through the brambles and vines. A spot of light catches my eye as I blindly barge around. I can see a meadow not far off. My heavy legs spring to life and my dress finally begins its final tether. Someone stands in the meadow arms out stretched becoming to me. Suddenly The air turns to ice and I'm frozen in my place, the light of the meadow grows distant and the brambles close in.

"So thou has chosen to walk the paths of fate." a sleepy sounding voice murmurs into the silence. Even my heart refuses to make a sound.

"I'm sorry but we will have to block of your fate, for you are not yet in the right mind space to see what we have assigned you." A new voice hisses through the silence. I try to speak but my mouth is glued shut.

Finally the third voice smothers out the others, a voice deadly  familiar voice. "Sisters hush your tone! She can choose to see her fate now. Let her be, just don't let her change it." finally the mystery voice speaks directly at me. "You have obviously just witnessed your possibilities but, choose wisely because your choice could either save Leila or... kill you both." Suddenly I remember. Fury and rage burns like a sudden fire inside of me, I put a mental wall in front of their prying eyes and the bonds holding me frozen snap. The glue in my mouth melts away and I suddenly find the sharp words embedded on my tongue.

"You!" I scream at the third voice, I can feel the three sisters clawing at my mental wall, trying to re-glue the bonds and freeze me once again but I push them away. Spitting fire with every word.

"You! You are the strange girl in the red velvet dress! Twisting and knotting my fate! So it's obvious that you LIE when you say I can choose myself! I do NOT know who your sisters are but I want you gone! Out of my life! Leave my fate to me!"

The girl in the red velvet dress suddenly appears and laughs softly.

"See? You are already choosing your fate! Saying you want us... or ME out of your life is choosing what you want. So choose now. Would you like you to know the consequences? That is your choice too!" The wicked girl then turns away and starts cackling wickedly.

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