Chapter 2

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I don't talk to Leila at school the next day, instead I go to sit with the nerds, my head down and buried in a book. Yet she still approaches my table, eyes full of joy, she smiles like a looney and puts her tray next to mine.

"So, I was thinking that we could go see a movie today!" She bubbles, oblivious to my ignorance. I look up at her and then go back to reading my book.

"We could go see the new Hunger Games movie, you know! Catching Fire!" She's now baisicly singing into my hear, it's abit hard to try ignore her while she just sits there carrying on. She pulls back and stares at me with big beautiful blue eyes.

"Do you want to come? Umm actually you look a bit pale are you okay?" she asks. I look at the table and sigh,

"Sure i'll come with you." Her face lights up like a lantern and she lets off a tiny little squeal of appreciation.


After a long day of school (Which was basically just me reading my great book) i finally have to face the fact that I am going to a movie with Leila and possibly her evil boyfriend. My phone makes a whirring noise, making me jump. The screen flashes a picture of Leila so i pick it up.

"It's me." I sigh, I hear a little laugh, "Cheer up Dawn! Now i'm coming round to yours in 15 minutes so be ready." she says with suprising force. I nod against the phone and then realise she can't see me.

"Yeah sure." i mumble. The line goes dead.

After 5 minutes of choosing some purple skinny jeans and a grey baggy T-shirt I then choose the last 10 minutes of my time cleaning my room. Piles of clothes litter the floor, both dirty and clean, making my floor seem like a big mega-mix. I start to sift through the junk, lifting out a T-shirt with a cat on it. I decide to sort out dirty and clean (Because the original plan was to just put everything back and not even sort at all). So then I begin and start a little pattern. Fold, fold, fold, put away, grab new item, fold fold fold, put away, grab new item, fold fold fold... BEEP BEEP! Leilas car horn blares into my room, i stand up and stare at the slightly improved mess. 'Ok Dawn, you have got this in the bag, just try hold yourself through tonight, how about you enjoy the movie...' BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEP the cars horn drags me back to reality. I race out to the car (locking the door first) and hop inside, Leila revs the engine.

"Heyyyyyyyyyy!" she squeals pulling out of the long gravel drive way, I watch as my little white, wooden cottage slips out of veiw as we hit the road, Leila starts singing 'Story of my Life' by One Direction, it silently drives me nuts.

I've never really noticed her looks, just her height and personality. But peering at her now (and yes I was looking down at her). I start to realise her features are more complex then I ever noticed, Her face is round and dimple free (hahaha shame on her because i love dimples!), her eyes are blue and slightly green, they sparkle and shine whenever she moves and to be honest... it takes my breath away. Her lips are shiny and red but to top all the glamor off is her hair, blonde and wavy, it slopes down her back in soft thin layers, i would be lying if i said i wasn't jelous.
 Then there's me. Pure white, thick hair. Emerald green eyes that everybody thinks are hazel, my lips are pale pink and not very nice looking. Sometimes I think i look like a disaster.

The cinema shines infront of us, the lights already on even though the sun is only just starting to set in the warm summer air. The ticket booth awaits us, lights shining.

"IM A MOTH!" Leila shreiks, she flutters up to the man in the booth and grabs our tickets swiftly before paying.

"IM ATTRACKED TO LIGHT!" she continues loudly, I laugh as she then swoops around wildly. I go to grab my ticket but she holds it away from me, all I have to do is lean over her (but even thats easy because she's a midget.) Her phone falls out of purse but she doesn't notice, instead I do.

"Leila! Leila! you go into the theatre and get us some good seats!" I cry suddenly, she looks at me and shrugs,

"Yeah okay." I let out a silent sigh of releif. When she finally dissapears from veiw I snatch up her phone a tap in the password, the phone hums unlocked so I quickly flip into her messages. Messages from Jake fill up the screen, 'i love you baby.' says the latest one, I almost gag. 'meet me in wood 2nite, got sumthing 2 show u. B redy 4 surprise.' the next text from this morning reads, I wonder what he wants to show her? I continue to scroll through earlier messages but they just get more and more boring.

"DAWN! THE MOVIES ABOUT TO START!" I hear Leila shout at me from the doorway of the theatre, I quickly push her phone into my pocket, but she notices my not so sneaky attempt of hiding it,

"Thats my phone!" Leila says, "Where did you get my phone from?" she asks innocenty.

"The floor. you dropped your phone. It was on the floor." I say swallowing, she buys it.

We both head back into the theatre, It's packed and brimming, teens fill the seats around us and the smell of B.O thick in the vibrant air, Leila doesn't seem to mind but I do.

"UGH Leila it stink in here!" I gasp, Leila looks at me from our seats, I sit next to her.

"I don't smell anything." she states seriously.

"well it stinks." I mumble. the movie then starts and we all fall silent, even Leilas tummy, which was rumbling quite alot.


The movie finishes with a sudden pop of the mocking jay pin, leaving me and Leila ready for the next movie,

"THAT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!" Leila chirps happily, spinning around. Her phone bings  and she pulls it out of her pocket, checking her messages and then she stops dead in her tracks. She lets of a shrill scream and faces me, it's not terror that I see in her eyes, it's something else... it's...

"Jake." Leila whispers, and then she crumples, to the ground, unconcious.

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