Chapter 10

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I never expected it to be that easy.

I watch the girl trudge effortlessly back into the woods and through the haggard vines, then slowly I turn back to the huge door.

I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding in.

"This is it, you are finally doing it... opening this stupid door." I look up grip the handle tightly, on go I will wrench this bloody door open and peer inside.

Five... Body poised, rigid, frozen and shaking as I start to strain.

Four... Breath that looks like the inside of a cloud rising into the cold air.

Three... Knuckles turning whit, face now sodden with tears.

Two... Eyes searching everywhere but the door.

I need someone to come here and find me, to tell me to stop to do anything but open this damn door!

One... Nobody comes, this is it...


I wrench open the door with such force that I get thrown back into the cold unforgiving snow, I sprawl upon the ground gasping for breath.

I'm winded.

And bleeding.

Warmth tugs at my foot and I sit up slowly starting at my bleeding fingers.

I must've cut my hand on the sharp rock I just fell on.

I shake my head dizzily.

"Hello?" someone whisperes, or at least I think they whisper, the sound of blood in my ears is deafening.

"Hel- Hello? Are you Okay?" The person asks me.

No movement on my end.

No whimper.

No shutting of the mouth.

Just cold and blood and snow.

"Harnold!" -footsteps leading away- "Harnold! Come quick! A young lady, she's hurt!"

More footsteps and...


I blackout.


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