Chapter 3

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The ambulance siren blares as we race towards the hospital, Leila lies on the stretcher next to me, spit dripping from her tender lips and totally unconcious. Once again i scroll through her phone reading her messages. I read her latest text from Jake. 'i guess i shld tell u im not rlly a human bby. more wolf than anything. dunt b scared. ILY. xxx' My stomach flips and ties itself in knots, i grab a plastic bag from next to me and chunder into it... did that text just say that Jake might be a werewolf? Or am i just seeing things? My concentration flickers as Leila groans in the back seat, i drop her phone suddenly and it clatters to the ground. Leila moans again and her eyelids move, i try not to cry.

"Leila, Leila honey please wake up for me." I mumble, she moves her fingers tenderly and i can see pain streak through her face.

"Mmmm-m-my Pho-o-one." she whispers, still not opening her eyes, i pass it to her but she doesn't accept it.

"H-h-he said some... something, to..." Leila faulters and relaxes on the stretcher slowly, opening her eyes. Her face is pale and hair a mess, i try not to stare too much.

"He said, He said to me... that he, he was not n-normal." Leila declares, her eyes shine and brim with ears and her mouth forms an unhappy frown.

"What do... what do you think it means?" she sniffs, i turn away from her. I know exactly what it means but how can i tell her? how can i give her the information she might not want to hear? I take a deep breath.

"Leila i'm honestly not sure." i lie, she stares at me with large blue eyes.

"I read the text that you are talking about though." That was the truth.

"And i think he is just joking around with you." I finish. She takes a trembling hand and grasps mine. Her eyes silently plead me to stay with her so i nod slowly, thank you she mouths and then without another word she shuts her eyes again, tears streaming down her cheeks. 


Leila doesn't wake up for another 3 hours, but her phone is alive, buzzing every 10 minutes with a new text from Jake, it's doing my head in. 'Jake its Dawn, Leila's here in hospital. Could you please stop texting? Listen i know you're jokinng about being a werewolf, so go away.' I text Jake on Leilas phone, I put it on the chair next to me and yawn, the clock reads 10:28pm. No wonder im getting sleepy, i sprawl my body across the row of chairs and close my eyes, who cares if anybody wants to sit down? Sleep stretches its addictive arms towards me and wraps me in a sea of dreams, my breath becomes even and my body relaxes. Slowly i drift into sleep... slowly... slowly.


I sit up straight, still in the hospital wards.


i look down and see Leilas phone on the chair next to me, screen lit up. It's Jake who's calling... Should i pick up?


"What do you want? Actually no, don't even think about answering that! What were you thinking? Playing a sick joke on Leila like that, huh? Who even does something like that? You made her have a panic-attack! Do you even feel guilty? Do ya? DO YA?" I shriek angrily, I hear him sigh coldly.

"All I wanted was for her to know the truth." he growls slowly, I hold my breath.

"Nobody tells the truth. Not even you." his words chill my spine, reminding me of how right he is.

"You can't prove that." I whisper but my voice is shaking, "You think you know everything... but you don't."

"Well i know how people work and since you always tell the truth... whats your biggest secret?" I can hear him smirking through the phone and I try not to let out a terrified cry.

My biggest secret? I think. Well I'm a werewolf too. I can't say that to him, my stomach clenches and I hold my breath for what seems to be forever.

"Exactly." the line goes dead and my head starts to swim. I think about what he said, exactly, exactly,exactly,exactly. So maybe he wasn't joking? Is there a possibility that he too is a werewolf? I hug my knees tightly.


Leilas ward room is silent as i edge through the door. A nurse sits at the desk in the corner half asleep with one eye watching me suspiciously.

"Hey ya'll. It's two o'clock mornin' time." She drawls, her heavy hillbilly accent washing over me like a tidal wave.I stand up a little straighter then before.

"I was in the abulance with Leila when she came in." I mumble nervously, "I'm the one who made the call."

"Well then sweetie..." The nurse replies sarcasticly, "Isn't it 'bout time y'all went home?" I hang my head and nodded sadly, taking one last look at Leila I then left... still clutching her phone.


Rain bombards the pavement as I huddle against the hospital entrance for shelter, the night is pitch black apart from the occasional flicker of a broken street lamp. I pull out Leilas phone for the seven-hundredth time and finally get the nerve to dial Jake. The phone rings against my ear as i wait for him to pick up.

"Leila...?" he sounds like he just woke up and my heart beats a little faster, but i quickly push that feeling away.

"No... Dawn." I mumble now regretting that I even called.

"Oh. What now? It's two o'clock in the damn morning." he grumbles, the little flutter in my heart drifts away again.

"Pick me up. I'm outside the hospital, and if you want to talk here's your chance." I say flatly, he's sighs and i can hear him fumbling around in his room... I think.

"Ok." And then he hangs up on me again.


When he finally arrives my fingers have already started going blue from the cold and my breath clouds infront of me.

"Hop in Mooneast." he shouts out the window with a surprising warmth to his voice, I gallop over to his car and wrench open the door.

"Shellzerz it's freezing!" I snap huddlind up to the heater, He chuckles softly.

"Where to?" he asks, I see his shiny teeth poking out from beneath his lis tight smile.



And then he pulls the car out of the parking lot and we drive off into the night talking quietly and trying not to start world war 3... until we see the dead girl, that's when I scream.

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