Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Rose Campbell

"What?" He says loudly. I can tell that I surprised him.

"Didn't you see the dead girl?" I wail. He looks at me concerned.

"I saw a dead bird..." He mutters more to himself then to me.

"Please backup the car... I need to see the dead girl." I beg. He sighs and starts to reverse over to where I saw her pale body lying on the side of the road.

"Stop." I command. We both hop out of the car and walk over to the edge of the forest. A dead bird lies there greeting us and then i see more dead birds and other bones littering the ground. Jake laughs and kicks it away.

"We're in wolf territory." He says plainly, I glare at him.

"Talking about wolves." I hesitate, "I would like you to prove it to me."

He shrugs his shoulders and looks at me with those big beautiful eyes of his, I hold back a flirty smile.

"I can't prove it to you...", I knew it! "Because I need one of your secrets. In return." He states clearly. I feel like turning and running.

"So, you first." we say in usion. He grins at me. I shudder.

"M-m-my secret?" I ask nervously while he nods, "I have no secrets." I choke out.

"Ok then." And suddenly he turns into a wolf! Just like that. I stumble backwards, horrified. I mean, I should've expected it but...... He's a grey wolf. One of the biggest and most feral breeds. Anger fires up inside me again, like someone has struck a match against my heart.

"Leave Leila out of this!" I cry at Jake as he turns back into a human, "Tell her this was a joke! Tell her you were being dumb! Tell. Her. You. Thought. It. Was. Sexy." I snarl at him. He stands there in silence. I don't know why but tears stream down my checks and i feel myself falling to my knees.

"Please." I beg him, "Please..."

"Okay." He states simply, I look up at him surprised.


"I said Okay."

"Really? That easily?"

"No. It comes with a cost."


"Your secret."

"Oh... no. I'm an open book."

"Ha! Dawn you maybe an open book but your pages are glued shut." Jake finally says. My shoulders slump forwards and my head hangs.

"I'm a wolf." I whisper under my breath.

"Sorry what?" he asks curiously.


"Sure, Dawn, sure."

"I said I'm a fallen angel!" I lie quickly, he seems to not beleive me.

"Prove it." He snickers. I shrug my shoulders.

"I can't. I'm a fallen angel. I've fell I lost my wings." the lie comes so easily that I even start to fool myself.

"And you expect me to beleive you?" He says questioningly.

"I never said you had to believe me... I just said i'd show you my secret... well I did." I say struggling back to the car. My knees feel weak.

"Still want to come to mine?" He says. I nod and try not to think about how cold his tone was.

"It's too late to go back to mine anyway. It's 3:35 p.m. I think we will be going back to yours." I state clearly, he nods.


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