Dear Jenny

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Ben was in a study room. It had a long wooden desk with and a matching chair. It had bookshelves and cupboards above the desk. He sat at the desk with a blank lined paper in front of him and a pen in his hand.

He's thinking of a nice way to break up with Jen. He just doesn't want to right, oh by the way Jen, I'm breaking up with you. That just seems rude.

He started out with Dear Jenny. Then ideas flowed into his mind.

Dear Jenny,

To me, you are like a very funny, sweet, loving girl and I'm not sure that I need it in my life right now.

Things started to go wrong when with Seth and my band is having trouble finding a replacement for me.

It's not that I don't love you. It's just difficult and I hope you understand.

 We've had some cool times together and I won't ever forget those moments. I'll never forget your adorable laugh and your beautiful smile.

Your personality is like a sweet strawberry, and your kiss is so welcoming. When I see you I can't help but fall in love with you all over again.

I lie in bed at night wishing that I don't want to leave you or the band, but I have to. I'm sorry, so very sorry.

Yours no more

Tears ran down his cheeks, he's going to regret giving this letter to her. He read the letter over and over and it made him sob.

The door of the study opened. "Ben, what's the matter?" A comforting tone said. That voice was known as Korey. She always seems to have that tone when she hears that somebody is upset.

He didn't say a word. Korey's eyes were glued on the paper. She had read every word what was written. "Ben, you can't be serious?"

The blonde wiped his tears off his face and he looked up at his friend. "Korey, I have to."

Korey placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "No you don't. It's hurting you."

"I'll be hurt no matter what I do. It's best I do this."

"But you will break Jen's heart, and both your hearts will remain broken. You guys need each other."

"I know we do, but it would be hard keeping a long distance relationship."

"Then don't give her this letter. Just stay together, it will save the pain and the tears."

Ben sniffled. "Yeah, you're right."

Korey gave him a smile. "That's the spirit! Now go give Jen some love!"

A small smile grew on his face and he rose from the chair. Korey grabbed the letter. "I'll throw this away." She walked out with Ben.


"Jen, could you take out the trash?" Korey said.

"Yeah," Jen walked into the kitchen, she  noticed a folded piece of paper on top. She picked it up and she opened it. She saw that it made her nickname and it was Ben's handwriting, she put it in her pocket and she pulled the trash bag out of the can with all her might. She tied it up and took it outside.

The night air was chilly, but there was no breeze. The moon shone brightly in the dark sky and the tree frogs were chipping loudly.

Now that she was alone... she took the note out of her pocket and she stepped onto the light on the porch. She unfolded it and she began to read it.

She covered her mouth with her hand in shock. She couldn't believe that he's going to break up with her. Why would he do such a thing?

Water filled her eyes as she finished reading it. "He's breaking up with me." She shoved the letter back in her pocket before she entered in the house.

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