Chapter 21

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"I've scoped the area. He has three men guarding the back and three in the front. There is a door in the back. If we split up and create a diversion, they should distract Darren so Blaine can get there," O'Brien said as he slid back inside the truck.

"You and your guys take out the ones in the front. That may lure Darren and the others," Blaine replied. He was so close to her. Could feel it in his pumping veins. "If you have to take them out, do it. At this point, I'm ready to risk my life for her."

"I know." O'Brien saw it in his eyes. Blaine loves Adrienne. The girl who's become like a little sister to him is in danger, and he would stop at nothing to make sure she's safe. If anything were to happen to her, Blaine wouldn't be able to take it. He'd spiral down worse than he did with his mother dying. That was for certain.

"Brock will come with me. Taylor, you keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Text me if necessary. You got a gun on you?"

"Yeah." He pats his side pocket for reassurance.

"Good. If we're not out of there by 3:00 on the dot, call the cops. We might need some fucking back up," Blaine sighed, knowing this wasn't going to be easy as rainbows and cupcakes. Darren was a smart guy, when he wanted to be. Blaine will have to be on his toes.

When everyone nodded at the plan, O'Brien and his men swoop out of the truck first, assessing the dark and empty area. He had the perfect plan for a distraction. He hasn't had this much fun in a long while.

"You got the grenades?"

Both of his men nodded, taking out the small bombs.

"Let's blow out this motherfucker."

Blaine saw the bombs blow up right in front of the front entrance. Him and Brock quickly walk to the back and pause at a corner when they see Darren's men run towards the front of the building. He put out a small prayer that O'Brien would be good. He'd never forgive himself if the guy got hurt, or worse.

"You watch the back door from here. Anyone come at you, don't hesitate to shoot them," Blaine whispers to Brock as he gave Brock his gun.

"That, I can do. Go get your girl, boss."

Blaine nodded his head, running towards the door. With one click, it opened. He looked around the place. This was a distraction. He stepped in a normal looking type apartment, with furniture, pictures, and other items that made the place seem harmless. But Blaine knew better. The guy told him the dealings were underground, which meant there's a basement beneath this floor.

He hid in a dark corner when he saw a figure coming towards him. Fuck, that was close. He saw Byron walk across him with a big, black trash bag in his hands. His insides churned at the thought of Adrienne being in that bag, but he refrained from his thoughts running on that course. The door behind Byron closed, and it was silent again.

When he felt that the coast was clear, he walked through the area and noticed the stairs leading downward. His adrenaline started pumping when he hurried down each step.

"Adrienne!" He yelled out when he got to the bottom of the floor. There was no sign of a close door. "Adrienne! Where are you!?"

He didn't hear a sound. His feet took him to the right of the hallway. His heart jumped when he noticed a door wide open.

"What the fuck," he whispered loudly when he walked through the door. Pictures of Adrienne were everywhere. On the walls, on the ceiling. Old pictures of her and Darren, and more recent pictures when he had her followed. There was even a few pictures of Blaine, his face crossed out with a red marker multiple times. This was past obsession. Past an addiction. Darren might've been mentally unstable at this point. Blaine gazed at his watch. 2:49 a.m. He had to work faster to find her.

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