Chapter 26

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Warning: If you're an emotional person like I am (because I cried writing parts in this chapter), you may cry as well reading this. You've been warned lol

Flashbacks in Bold Italics


My baby boy. I miss you so much. No words can describe how much I wish I was alive to see how much of a handsome young man you've become. I bet the women line up for you (probably more than your workaholic brother, but don't tell him I wrote that).

It saddens me that I won't be able to share the precious moments for when you find the girl of your dreams, but know that I'm always watching over you, my sweet boy. I remember the look on your face when you found out I was sick. It broke my heart. I couldn't imagine how you felt, and I hoped that my death hasn't steered you in the wrong direction. Your journey to success.

But what comes with success, also comes with sacrifices. You've probably made a few, some that weren't in the best light, but I could never judge you for them. All I want is for you to be happy. Your strong-willed mind has pushed you to heights higher than I've ever dreamed of. And though I'm not there, you know I'm proud of you.

Now, down to the main point of this letter. I've written two, similar for your brother and sister. Milena, she was a different story of her own, but you and your brother are more alike than you realize. You both have a cycle where love never mixes together. Young, wild, and free is what my two sons live by. And there's nothing wrong with that. But I want you to find someone to live young, wild, and free with.

Blaine, find that person and never let her go. Cherish her. Be there for her. I know you will. You'll know she's the one when you feel as if you can't breathe without her. Trust me, I had that feeling with your father ever since I was 17. It never goes away.

Whoever you choose, I know that I would have loved her.

Enjoy your life. Live it to the fullest with the one you love. Live your life for me, Blaine. Do things that you want to experience. Travel. See the world with her, whoever she is.

This is one of my dying wishes. I want you to be happy. I want you to get that girl and make her happy. And I want you to keep that girl to make you even happier. Nothing is better than love and happiness from the one you were meant to be with.

You see I have something special put in with my letter. I thought I'd give it to your brother but I think it will work for you better. Get it cleaned and refreshed if you need to.

Remember, I'll be watching over you. Whatever you do, wherever you go, just know I'm always in your heart.

Forever and always.



"And how are you doing today, Adrienne? Would you like to share anything with the group today?"

I bit my lip when Diane focused her attention on me. The small bubble of nervousness that builds up in my stomach tried to make it's way through to force me not to talk, but I push it down. I've been surrounded by majority of these people for over a month now. The anxiety can go fuck itself.

"I'm doing well today. I've started back writing again a lot more these days," I replied with a smile on my face. "I think the session I had with my individual counselor two weeks ago helped me. Writing has always been my muse, and letting my thoughts flow on paper is a lot easier for me."

She seemed happy to hear it. "That's wonderful, Adrienne. Creativity is the greatest expression of freedom."

I couldn't agree with her more. As she continued within the circle of people besides me, I think about how much things have changed for me. When I arrived, I was scared shitless. The center was in a quiet area where little to no people lived. At the state I was in at the time, the thought of being alone in an area I was unfamiliar with was terrifying.

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