Chapter 24

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Two Weeks Later

His eyes fluttered open, blinking rapidly before he was able to focus on the setting of the room. Where am I?

He was strong enough to move his head downwards and sideways to see that he was hooked up to different machines. They he realized that he was at the hospital. What the fuck happened to me? Where is Adrienne and everyone else?

His head turned when he heard the door open, revealing an elderly nurse. She smiled brightly when she noticed that Blaine was awake. "You're finally up, dear? How are you feeling?"

He felt like a utter shit, but he couldn't say that to this sweet lady. "I'm okay," he choked out as best as he could without hurting his sore throat.

"Let me get you some water, then I will get the doctor for you, okay?"

He only nodded in response, too unfocused at the moment. He was surprised Adrienne wasn't here by his side. She must feel distraught from that night. Maybe she's at FlAvor? Then a thought occurred to him.

"Here you go, sweetie," the nurse said, helping him get a couple sips in before turning her back to get the doctor.

"Wait," he replied, clearing his voice. "How long have I been out?" Couldn't have been more than a few days, at most.

"Almost 3 weeks, hon." The look of sympathy was etched on her face when Blaine raised his eyebrows in shock. I've been in a coma for that long? Fuck. When she left the room, his eyes roamed to the ceiling, with one thing on his mind. He needed to see Adrienne. Him being out so long and not having a clue on how she's doing didn't sit well with him. He wanted to see those beautiful brown eyes of hers and tell her that he loves her. That nothing wouldn't come between them even if they dare tried.

Though it's been nearly three weeks since he's been out, it only felt like yesterday when he exploded with emotions when he had found Adrienne. A sense of relief had ran over him for that short moment until the blow of the bullets hit him, creating a dark cloud over his serene bubble.

But now that he's up, he can get back to her.

As he sat in the room, he recalled that Adrienne's upcoming semester starts in a few short weeks. Well, in the current frame of mind, possibly days now. A small smile grew on his face thinking of his beautiful, creative girl who had such an active mind and calming soul when it came to her work and her life. Her life with him. She made his world brighter, more fulfilling. She complemented him in every way imaginable.

Oh goodness, he couldn't wait to see his baby.


He turned his head slightly, noticing that it was O'Brien who came through the door. Man, he missed the motherfucker. The smile on O'Brien's face told him he missed Blaine too.

"Come on in, man. Catch me up on what I've missed."

O'Brien came in the room and pulled up the chair close by Blaine's bed. "You feelin' alright?"

"Honestly? I feel like a ton of bricks are laying on my chest, but I'm better now that I'm up." Blaine nodded, oddly satisfied with his answer. He couldn't bullshit around with the guy, but he didn't want to sound like a sap with a superfluous answer.

Their attention flew to the door where an Asian female doctor walked through. She gave both men a smile. "I see that you've woken up. Welcome back. I'm Dr. Lee."

"It's glad to be back, Dr. Lee," he responded.

"You gave us quite a scare after your surgery, Mr. Harrington."

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