"This BITCH named Adrienne screwed me over. Nothing but good to her, and she fucking leaves."
"She's a no good whore."
"One day, she'll be crawling back to me. She'll be kicked to the fucking curb."
"Good luck to the white cracker she's with now. He's going to need it with her prude ass. The man knows who the fuck he is."
"After all the good things I've done for her."
Good things? If lying about our whole relationship considered a good thing, I don't want to witness what "great" things he's done. As if I would ever consider going back to him. He'd have to take me by force and with a fight.
These were only a few posts on my accounts from the past days. The harsh words went on and on, growing worse and mentally abusive. Even dragging Blaine into this was unnecessary. I couldn't bring myself to understand it all.
"Adrienne, are you reading them? You know who has to be up to this shit, right?" Bre's voice came through again. I turn to see Blaine with the confused expression on his face, but it morphs slowly into a grimace.
"Darren?" He whispered to me. I could only nod at him. He let out a soft curse, stepping out of the room to calm himself down. My eyes turn back to the posts again in melancholy. "I'm reading a few. I should just deactivate my instagram right now. These posts are so much I can take."
"Yeah, hon. I'd do that. At least the replies are sincere, for the most part. I've read through some, but not all of them. This is such a damn mess."
"I know." I slowly become numb, avoiding all the pain I'm going through. For that fucker, I will not cry for again, especially not on today. "I need to read more."
"Are you sure, girl? What he's say, they're god awful. All bullshit lies too." She hissed. "Are you going to be okay?"
"I'll try my best. Blaine is here."
"Okay," she sighed through the phone. She's worried. I could feel it. "I'll check up on you later, okay? And make sure to look at your phone every once in awhile this time."
"Yes, mom," I joked with her, even though my heart really wasn't in for the laughs. A perfect mini vacation is turned upside down because of him. "Bye." I hung up, warning bells going off in my mind at the situation.
I hope to God that not many people saw all of this fuck shit all over my profile. I'm friends with a lot of my co-workers and older friends from high school. What if they've already seen this crap? This may jeopardize my job somehow. He's forcing me to cut out more of my social life. All of this is a game to him! He's playing with my fucking emotions. The fucker must be enjoying himself, I'm sure.
I go to my instagram and delete my account. Not looking at it. Not allowing myself to read anything he conjured up.
Sucking in a deep breathe, I go back on Facebook to read the most recent ones from today.
"Y'all think this girl is all innocent? She's far from it. Adrienne's done some bad things before. With my supply, she'd be strung out by the damn morning."
"I made her feel that. ME. Not him. WHO THE FUCK DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?"
"So what if I fucking cheated on her, the bitch is MINE."
Is he seriously this mad that he's legit being deceitful. What the fuck does he mean I've been strung out. He's saying I've taken fucking drugs before! Who the fuck does this? The blatantly lie to tarnish my reputation is a new low, even for him. With the text messages, no one else saw them but me. They might've hurt me, but it's just me they were directed to. Now, the whole world has had a read at all of this!
RomanceFlA·vor. noun. A distinct taste. A new nightclub. Attraction. Addiction. Adrienne. When 21-year-old Adrienne Michaels broke up with her boyfriend, Darren Smith, she couldn't believe how everything they built together fell apart. She decided that...