Epilogue One: The Call to Fresh Starts

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Four months later

Taking in a deep breath, I grabbed my phone that lies besides me on the bed. I've been holding this call off for months and I needed to push myself to do it. It'll be the last ounce of closure I can get by calling her.

"Are you sure I should do this?" I asked Blaine who's besides me working on some papers. Even after our two week honeymoon in St. Thomas, he still has that fresh golden tan though it's cold as shit in New York at this time. Winters in the north are a bitch, and I'll never get use to them. And I'm sure Blaine won't ever be either. He was born in heat all year round.

"It may help you and her. She hasn't heard from you in awhile you said, right? Maybe she needs this. But it's up to you," he said before leaning down to kiss my forehead. "It'll be alright."

"Thank you." His motivation always pushed me forward.

I pull up my contact list and see her number. Hoping that it didn't change, I dial. I sighed in relief that it rings, but I froze when I heard her voice.


My voice was lost for a beat, but I managed to speak. "Diana?"

Her soft gasp almost caused tears to form in my eyes. "Adrienne? Oh, my heavens! How long has it been, child?"

"Too long, unfortunately."

Diana Jones was Darren's mom, someone that I had met a few times while he and I were together. She was such a sweet woman, yet I knew that her son had caused her so much problems. I don't even know how she found out and felt about his death. There were some days where I still couldn't believe he was dead myself, so I don't know how she was doing.

"Yes, sugar. It has," she said sadly. "But how are you? How's school at NYU going?"

"Life's perfect, actually. School's going well. My job is fantastic, and uh, I got married..."

Silence took over the line, and I grew nervous again.

"That's wonderful, Adrienne. I wish I was there to witness it." Fuck, here comes the guilt.

"I know. I'm sorry, it's just. after all that happened with Darren and me getting back on my feet planning all this, time just went by. And I didn't think you'd want to speak with me, honestly."

"No, don't apologize. I understand. When I heard what happened to him," she paused, pain laced in her words. "All I could think about was how I failed as a mother. I tried raising that boy the best I could. Then he strayed away from me and I couldn't reach him."

"There was nothing you could have done differently, Diana. I thought I could help him too, but he was already in too deep. You did right by him, but he couldn't do that for himself. You were a great mother to him, and nothing of my opinion about you changes that."

I felt Blaine squeeze my hand beside me, and I thanked him for it with a gentle squeeze back for his support.

"I'm so sorry for what he did to you. I don't know too much of the details, but I hope that you're okay now."

"I am. My husband, Blaine, he's been amazing. My rock. He convinced me to finally call you. I was so scared you'd think bad of me."

"Me, baby? Never. You were like a daughter to me. Still are. Don't ever hesitate to call me. I'll always be here."

"Thank you." This close to shedding tears, but I keep them at bay.

"Now, tell me about this husband of yours. Is he nice?"

For another hour she and I caught up. I was mentally kicking myself for not calling her sooner, but I'm glad I did now. She even spoke with Blaine for a few minutes on speaker and she absolutely fell in love with him.

"Whenever you have the time sweetie, I'd love to see you and Blaine. Now, I'll let you go."

"Most definitely." That is an official must-happen. "I'll call you sooner to see what my schedule looks like. Bye Diana."

"Bye, Adrienne. It was so good hearing from you again."

Hanging up, I smiled wide and turn to Blaine. "That went so much better than I expected."

"I had a feeling it would. Come give me a kiss because I was right," he smirked, puckering out his lips to me.

"You are silly." I giggled at him. Yes, a damn giggle. I've been doing that a lot these days.

I climbed on top of his lap and pecked him on the cheek. He gave me a stank look in return, making me laugh again.

"What are you working on?" I asked him as I grab on the files that he'd been looking at for the past 2 hours.

"Just looking over some papers about the clubs before the guys who help me run the other locations come by tomorrow. But I think I'm done for now." He pulled my face towards his in a demanding kiss that made my toes curl and turn me into puddy.

The touch of his hands and the amount of pressure he puts with him between my legs has me swooning. I felt the outline of his dick as I dry hump him like a bitch in heat. Whew, this man. He pulled away before things got hot and heavy, and I try to calm my beating heart.

"Now." He sighed in satisfaction, "That was better, don't you think?"

"I think we should do some more," I said as I start unbuttoning his long sleeve shirt that was fitting too perfectly on his body. He's been going to the gym every couple days of the week to keep his shape since his physical therapy. And I'm sure half of the clothes he has in his closet are too small now. He'll rip out of them like the Incredible Hulk.

"No, no, baby. You start your classes again tomorrow."

"Don't remind me," I mumbled under my breathe. "I'm already sad I can't graduate with Bre and Mickey anymore and now I have a year to go."

"The year will fly by before we even know it."

"Yeah, I know." I smiled at him. "And during Spring Break, I'll probably get another article assignment to work on. Where ever they send me, I'll be more than happy to go."

My job has been phenomenal so far. Even though I had to plan my wedding, I was able to go to The British Columbia in Canada as my first major trip for Huffington Post last October. The side jobs I had here and there were nice, too, and I was glad that I pulled off working and the wedding details when I did, with the help of Bre, Mickey, and Mom, of course. I told Blaine three months, and we took our vows in a little less than that time.

"Wherever you go during that time, I'm coming with you."

"Really?" I said excitedly, but it dimmed when I think about the timing. "Are you sure? What about the club? Wouldn't you have to be here?"

"I'll make sure to have Steve or Brock watch over the place. Besides, it'll still be cold as shit during that time. Doubt anyone would come anyway."

"Well, when you put it that way." I bite my lip from smiling. "I can't wait."

And life only got better from there.

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