Chapter 20 Jerks and love

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*Fred's POV*

I was going to Care of magical creatures when I saw George run up to me, he seemed mad.. hm.. wonder why he was so mad at me all of a sudden.

"Hey." Was all that George said and I gave him a smile

"Hey." I said back and we walked to class, Bertha was in Muggle studies and before she left she told me not to talk to Vanessa, but she never gave me a reason.. oh well, I love Bertha and I will do anything to make her happy.

"So, feel any different?" George asked and I looked at him, we were standing in a crowed in front of Hagrid.

"Nope, I don't feel any differant." I said smiling

"You really did hurt Vanessa, why did you decide to go out with Bertha?" George asked and I looked at him and smiled.

"I don't care and I did when she kissed me, her lips felt so good and I just felt a wave of love through my body." I said and George gave me a questioning look.

"But you never liked her!" George said, I decided not to listen to him anymore.

"Hey, Fred." I heard Vanessa say and look at her then back at Hagrid, I remembered that I shouldn't be talking to her.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked, I opened my mouth and then closed it.. I was going to tell her to go away but I didn't want to be mean and I couldn't talk to her, but I gave in and I should probably tell her so I could get her off my back.

"Bertha told me that I couldn't talk to you, and I love her so no, you can't talk to me." I said and she walked away, George punched me and I looked at him.

"Ow, that hurt, why did you do that?" I asked and punched him back

"Don't be a jerk!" George said and I just glared and looked back at Hagrid, I wasn't being a jerk.. was I?

I looked behind me to see if there was anyone else to talk to but there wasn't, I then saw Vanessa, she was like really pail like even more pail than she already was, she was starting to rock back and forth until she fell to the ground, I saw this and ran to her.

"Vanessa!" I screamed and caught her before she hit the ground, everyone turned around to see what was going on and some of the girls gasped and George and Hagrid bent down to see what was happening.

"What happened?" He asked and I kept her in my arms and looked up

"I don't know, she was just standing there when she started becoming more pail and just fainted." I said and George picked her up from my arms and held her, her limp body was jsut so.. limp.. lifeless.

"Take her to the nurse." Hagrid said and George nodded then glared at me and started walking off, oh well, class was already over anyway so I just followed.

I walked into the castle and followed George without being caught and he walked into the nurses office, he came out a minute later and when he was gone I walked into the tiny room, she was laying on the bed, still unconscious.

"Don't worry, she will be ok." The nurse said and I nodded and sat down in the chair beside the bed, I couldn't believe I was such a jerk to her.. all because of Bertha, I just stared at her until the door opened, I looked up and saw Bertha walk in.

"What are you doing here and with her?" Bertha asked and put her hands on her hips

"Bertha, she fainted I'm here for her." I said and Bertha crossed her arms and glared

This sucks! (Fred Weasley love story) ((Being completely rewritten))Where stories live. Discover now