When everyone went to sleep I snuck into Fred's room at vampire speed.. he was sleeping, I watched as he slept and couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen now, I put my hand on my stomach and left it there for awhile and tried to feel for anything.
"Goodnight love.. I hope you can except this." I whispered to Fred and kissed his forehead and then left the room and to mine in seconds.
I lay down on my bed and pulled the covers up to my shoulders and just lay there thinking.. I was thinking about where my life... or my undead life will go now that it was going to change forever, I lay there all night wondering and wishing that this never happened.
I didn't sleep all night and to be honest.. I can go without sleep for a long time and could go millions of years without sleeping.
I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself, my hair was alright but I still looked really sick.. I brushed my hair and teeth then put my make up on and clothes, I walked out of the room and into the hallway, Fred came out with his pajama pants and no shirt, I stared at him and he looked at me then the ground he then started walking to the stairs, I followed him.
"Fred, can I talk to you?" I asked him and he just kept walking and kept his head down.
"Please Fred." I said and he looked at me with hurt eyes, I hesitated and just stood there staring at him.
"I'm sorry.. I'm extremely sorry for doing this to you." He said and turned to go down the stairs but I grabbed his arm and spun him around.
"Fred, It's ok.. we will get through this somehow now please.. talk to me." I said and he looked down and nodded and we started walking to my room and sat on my bed.
"I really wish that this didn't happen." Fred said and I nodded
"I do too.. but it did and we have to except it." I said and he looked at me then at his lap, he was fiddling with his fingers.
"Yea, I guess your right." He said and looked up at me and smiled, I smiled back and he leaned over and kissed me, I kissed him back and then we stopped and he sat back in his place.
"I really do love you and I will never leave you, I never want to leave you.. like I said, I want to marry you and have a life with you and the baby." He said and I smiled, he wanted a life with me AND our baby.
"Me too.. what about your mum though?" I asked getting a little worried and he also looked worried.
"We will tell her sometime." He said and tried to calm himself, I did the same thing.
"We should tell her soon before the baby bump shows." I said and Fred stared at my stomach and smiled then put his hand on my stomach.
"Well that won't be for awhile, Nessa." he said and I smiled
"But we should still tell them soon." I said as we both got up and walked to the door
"Fred.. I'm scared." I told Fred and he spun around and hugged me, I could tell that he was scared too.
"I know." He said and kissed my head, after a few minutes we stopped hugging and walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs.
Once we reached the last step we saw Meadow sitting on the couch with her arms crossed, she probably heard about the baby.. oh, I really hope not!
"Fred, Vanessa come and sit down." Meadow said and we both proceeded to sit down with Meadow.
"Your mom is going to kill you and yours is going to kill you." Meadow said and I looked at my feet, I knew that our moms were going to kill us but they also had to except that some things happen and we can't change them even though we really want to.
"We know.." Was all that Fred said, and I agreed with him
"Vanessa, you know your mom and dad won't except this." Meadow said looking at me and I just stared at her.
"Well, I will make them.. this is my and Fred's baby and we want to have this baby." I said and got up from the couch and walked out the door I walked into the field and touched my stomach again.
"They will understand." I told my stomach and sat down.
I know I'm young but.. it happened and there is nothing we can do about it now but the only problem is going to be telling Molly about it, oh, no! This is going to be really hard.
I walked around for awhile and then walked back to the burrow, Meadow had left and Fred sat on the couch, he looked like he was really thinking so I sat down beside him.
"What are we going to do.. your parents and mine are seriously not going to like this." He said and I looked at the floor, I hated to admit it but he was right my mum and dad wouldn't like it one bit.
"Yeah.. well oh well, this is our baby and they just have to except it." I said and he looked at me and smiled.
"Yeah, I just hope that they do." Fred said and I nodded, we then saw Molly come down stairs and I looked away and at Fred.. Molly walked over and sat down.
"What's wrong?" She asked and we just looked at her and then looked back at one another.
*So do you think Fred and Vanessa will tell Molly or will they tell her later? Find out next chapter which I will put up tomorrow
xoxo love you guys*

This sucks! (Fred Weasley love story) ((Being completely rewritten))
FanfictionVanessa is a young witch and..vampire, can she keep her life a secret? Will she meet a young boy at Hogwarts? ((In the works of being completely rewritten))