We bolted from shop to shop, so far Mary and I were winning, and I had gotten more stuff too, I got Mr. Weasley a muggle photo frame, he loved muggle stuff and Mrs. Weasley a new teapot, I bought George a box of pranks we had seen in a joke shop and Fred a box of pranks too, I got Bill a book on spells and Percy a bag of magical dust, and Charlie a book on dragons, I got Ron a bag of candies and Harry an owl blanket, and you know what I got for the rest of the gang.
"Hey, lets hide in this shop!" I said pointing to the shoe store, we all smiled and walked into the store, I bought some slippers for Francesca and Angelina, I missed them.
Mary and I hid in a pile of shoes while Fred and George hid under a table, we waited for just the right person, sorry, VICTIM to come by so we could scare them, we saw a couple come by and I smiled and sprang out of the pile and scared them half to dead, the two ran SCREAMING and then we hid back in the pile and waited for Fred and George's victim to come by them.
"So, what's up with you and Fred?" Mary asked and I looked at her, did she already know? "Uh, nothing, why do you ask?" I asked her and she just shrugged and smiled, I didn't know that the news about us would go out so quickly.. maybe they didn't know.. maybe no one even knew yet..
"I just thought that something might be going on with you two." She said and I blushed and turned my head so she couldn't see the blush and shrugged.
"Look." I whispered and looked outside the pile of shoes, two teenage girls were looking at shoes and they walked up to the table that Fred and George were under and then one of the twins grabbed one of the girls leg and she jumped and screamed then ran out with the other behind her, she wasn't screaming at all, just laughing like Mary and I were.
We got out of our hiding spots and ran out of the store, I was guessing that Mrs. Weasley heard about our little game and stormed over to us, she looked pretty mad.
"What did you boys do?" She almost screamed and the twins stopped laughing then became a little bit serious, or at least i thought they were. "Just having a bit of fun, mum." George said and their mother put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot.
"Well, that little 'fun' got you kicked out of almost all the stores." She said and didn't look happy at all,
We had finished shopping and got into the car, Bill seemed pretty happy, including Percy who had tons of stuff in bags, Hermione and Ginny looked like they had an extreme shopping spree, I didn't know that Hermione would actually be that kinda girl to go shopping, instead of reading a book all day.
When we came back to the Weasley's house we all took our stuff in Mary and I took our stuff up stairs.
"Hey, can you go out of the room for a minute?" I asked and she nodded, looking a bit confused.
When she closed the door I started walking around looking for a place she would never look for her Christmas present, I looked in closets and the bathroom, she would look there and then I ended up putting it under my bed.
"Mary, you can come back in." I shouted and she came back in and had that same look on her face, she walked over to her bed and took our a big bag.
"Can you go out of the room now, Gabrielle?" She asked making I laughed and walked out of the room, I closed the door and stood there, I saw Percy coming up the stairs, he saw me and walked over.
"Hey, Gabrielle." He said and smiled, I smiled back and he scratched the back of his neck, I crossed my arms.
"So, what are you doing out here?" He asked and I looked at him and opened my mouth to speak.
"Mary's hiding my Christmas presents, that reminds me, Mary, you done in there?" I hollered the last words and banged on the door a bit, no answer, I then heard a small squeaky voice answer back.
"Not yet." She replied and I rolled my eyes and turned back to Percy who had one eyebrow up, I then saw Fred come out of his room and I smiled, he walked over to me and Percy walked into his room.
"Hey." He said smiling and wrapping his hands around my waist, I smiled and reached up then kissed him, he kissed back and I heard Mary's voice from the other side of my bedroom door
"Gabrielle, you can come in now." Mary said and I opened the door to my room then walked in, Fred was right behind me and I lay on my bed while Mary was on hers, she seemed to look pretty happy.
"So, what were you doing?" I asked and then laughed, Mary looked up at me and smiled, she put her index finger and thump up to her lips and zipped it kinda like a zipper then threw away the pretend key.
"Ok." I chuckled and turned my head back to Fred, who was just looking at me, sparkles and love in his eyes.
"I will just leave you two alone." Mary said and walked out of the room, probably to go and see George, once she was out Fred looked at me again and smiled, he leaned down and kissed me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and the kiss became more violent and he lay on top of me.
He took his lips away from mine and stroked my cheek with his thumb.
"I loved you ever since I met you." He said and I smiled, he was just so sweet, I then saw the door fly open and an owl gave me a note, I took it and sat up and shifted a bit to the right so that Fred could sit down with me.
I opened up the note, it was from my mother and father.
Our darling Vanessa,
we are terribly sorry that you couldn't come home for the holidays, but an evil wizard named Voldemort has us imprisoned, he wants you and we coudn't have you here or he would kill you, you now hold the key to the vampire world, it is a lullaby we sung to you when you were a child, do NOT let it fall into evils hands or the vampire world will be Voldemorts and he will destroy all vampires, this music box you have has the lullaby in it, take good care of it, the vampire world is now counting on you!
Love always, your mother and father.
I quickly put the letter down and pulled the music box out from under my bed and opened it, the ballerina was still there and it played my lullaby, was this the key to the vampire world?
*Ohh, Vanessa found the key to the vampire world, can she keep it from Voldemort? Find out next chapter
xoxo love you guys*

This sucks! (Fred Weasley love story) ((Being completely rewritten))
FanficVanessa is a young witch and..vampire, can she keep her life a secret? Will she meet a young boy at Hogwarts? ((In the works of being completely rewritten))