"Gabrielle, are you ready?" Mrs. Weasley shouted up, today we were all going Christmas shopping, and mine and Fred's first day together, no one knew.. yet.
"Almost, just gotta get my mitts." I replied and grabbed my mitts and ran down the stairs, at human speed, everyone was already down stairs, except for Mr. Weasley,He was at work, and Charlie, He had to also go to work.
"Ok, everybody ready?" Mrs. Weasley asked and we all nodded, we all walked out the door and got into the car, Fred, Of course, sat by me I didn't know what I was going to buy for everyone yet.
We drove to diagon alley I, the twins and Mary all went to a nearby shop, it was a very popular gift shop.
We walked in and looked all around, adults were looking at all the antiques while kids were looking at toys and treats, I looked at the cashier, she looked like she was at the age of seventeen, clothes were on racks and antiques were on shelves, toys were up the stairs, such a great store for both teens,adults and kids.
"Hey, you guys wanna play a game?" George asked and we all looked at him, I had to look up at him since I was pretty small, Mary was a bit taller so she didn't really have to looked up, much.
"Sure, twin." Fred said and smirked, I and Mary thought that this couldn't be good, "Ok, so what will happen is everyone will hide in a clothes rack and when someone comes by, scare them, whoever makes someone scream the loudest won't get pranks for a week!" George said, that was kinda fair, but what about me and Mary? What would we get if we scared someone the loudest?
"What about me and Mary?" I asked and Mary looked at George and crossed her arms, "Yeah, what about us, George?" Mary asked looking up as her eyebrows came up too
"Oh, yea, you girls can prank us all week, or we will do whatever you want for a week." George said and I and Mary smiled, I liked that idea
"Ok, your on." Mary said I and Mary walked over to a clothing rack, made sure no one saw us and dove into the rack, Fred and George did the same and we waited for our first victims.
"I really hope we win." Mary whispered, I looked at her and nodded
"I do too." I whispered back, not many people wanted to looked at the clothes, maybe we should switch to a different rack.
"Hey, let's go to a differant rack." I said but Mary held me back and shook her head
"No, look." She whispered, I looked in the direction she was looking at and saw a kid, maybe about ten coming our way, he looked like he was trying to hide from his friends, my heart began to beat faster, I was ready to jump out and scare him, my body wouldn't jump out though.
"Now." Mary whispered and I grabbed the kids shoulder and he jumped really high! he turned around and the look on his face was PRICELESS! He was so scared, I looked down and wouldn't you know, he peed himself! He even screamed, or more like gave a girlie shriek, it was REALLY loud.
The kid ran away, or more like waddled-ran away, I giggled and got back into the clothing rack, now it was Fred and George's turn, they had to really scare somebody if they wanted to win, a little girl, about five or six ran into the clothing ran and started looking through ours, me and Mary moved back a little so she would see us, she then went to Fred and Georges.
"We know where you live!" We heard George's voice and the little girl stopped looking through the clothes and stepped back a little, me and Mary were giggling, but not to loud.
"What?" She asked and then came Fred's voice
"WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!" Came Fred's almost booming voice and came out of the rack and SCARED the little girl like seriously SCARED her, it was PRICELESS, I started rolling on the floor with Mary but not to close to the pee from the boy.
We got back up and looked at Fred and George who had come out of the racks and started laughing with us.
"You win." Me and Mary said, but Fred and George had stopped laughing and looked at us.
"It's not over yet, girls." George said and I felt adrenaline build up inside me, I wanted to scare people, it was so much fun!
"To the next store!" George, said as a older lady came after us with the little girl that George and Fred scared.
We went into the next store, which was a book store, I will buy a book or two for Hermione, I looked at the books and grabbed a few, the one I picked out was for her, it looked like a really cool book, it was called Spell's you don't know, it was about spells that wizards and witches made up that no one knew about.. yet and the other one was called Witches brew, it's a book on how to make brew or medicine.
"Ok, I got everything I needed, lets hide again ok." I said and we all got in place, myself with Mary and Fred with George, we saw a young teen come by looking for books both Mary and I got ready, she came close and Mary grabbed a fake goblin arm from the bag of jokes she had and put the Had on her shoulder, she looked at it and screamed really loud which earned her a 'shh' from the librarian.
"Now, it's Fred and George's turn." Mary said and we giggled
Mary and Gabrielle: 10 Fred and George: 7
A older but still pretty young lady walked by where Fred and George were, George put on a fake goblin mask and turned around the corner and screamed.
"Boo!" He screamed and the lay ran out of the store screaming, the librarian looked at the guys and again, she ran after us and ran us out of her store.
"What store next?" I asked and we walked into a just clothing store, thousands of clothing racks!
I will get a shirt and purse for Mary and a shirt and shoes for Ginny, I grabbed two shirts that had a picture of Mary's favorite band on it: The Gorillaz and a leopard print pink purse for her and I found a shirt that had Ginny's favorite band on it: Mariana's Trench and purple flats with bows, we then hid in the clothing racks.
First victim..
*What did you guys think? I don't know what bands Ginny would like so, yeaaaa, next chapter will be put up tomorrow, and who will their victim be?
xoxo love you guys*

This sucks! (Fred Weasley love story) ((Being completely rewritten))
FanfictionVanessa is a young witch and..vampire, can she keep her life a secret? Will she meet a young boy at Hogwarts? ((In the works of being completely rewritten))