Chapter 8 Yule Ball

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I woke up early and shuffled to the bathroom, I didn't look in the mirror and just jumped into the shower, the water felt good on my skin and it felt nice to wash my hair, there was a knock on the door in the middle of my shower.

"Gabrielle, hurry up in there!" It was Angelina, she probably had to go to the bathroom so I would have to hurry.

I got out of the shower and wrapped my hair and body in a towel and walked out of the bathroom and to my suit case, Angelina had shut the door and woken up Mary, she looked at me and then the door.

"What happened?" She asked and I laughed while I unzipped my suit case, "Angelina had to use the bathroom." I said while Francesca, who was already awake was laughing to, Mary just looked at both of us with confusion on her face.

I grabbed a shirt and my jogging pants and walked into the bathroom, Angelina was done in the bathroom and she was brushing her hair, I put my clothes on and blushed my hair and teeth, I then grabbed my make up and put that on and my perfume and deodorant.

"Wasn't it nice of Professor Dumbledor to let everyone have a day where we can just lounge around and do nothing all day." Francesca said and everyone agreed, it was nice to take time off of school but that didn't mean that we couldn't practice for any tests.

"So what will you be doing all day, Gabrielle?" Mary asked and everyone looked at me waiting for an answer.

"Either practice for DADA or just lounge around." I replied and all the girls laughed

"Can't you just take your mind off of school for once?" Angelina asked and I shrugged my shoulders, I didn't really know if I should be taking time off or keep practicing my work, I was still gonna practice though.

"Well, I'm going to the common room, see you guys later." I said walking out of our dorm and running to the fat lady portrait.

"Well, good morning." The fat lady said and I smiled

"Good morning, mistletoe." I whispered the last part and the portrait door swung open and I walked in, seeing almost all my friends sitting on the couch's and floor, the only ones doing their work was Hermione, Ron and Percy.

"Hey." I said and walked in getting smiles and 'good mornings' in return.

I sat by Fred and he smiled, his smile was so sexy, it made my heart skip a beat.

"So what does everyone think of the Yule Ball?" I asked, "I'm going with Mary." George said and I smiled, Mary had always had a crush on George, ever since they first met she has been talking non-stop about him.

"I'm going with Penelope." Percy said standing up and then sitting down, everyone laughed and I looked at them all.

"Well I think it's nice that you are going to the Yule Ball with Penelope, Percy." I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Yeah, and at the end of the night she will find out how much of a prat he is." Fred said and everyone laughed harder while I just sat there looking at all of them, why would Fred even say that?

"Fred, that's not nice." I said looking at him being serious, he then looked down, "Sorry, Percy." Fred said and George and Ron made an 'aw' noise.

"What?" Fred asked while Ron and George laughed, while they did Harry came into the common room and everyone payed full attention to him.

"Breakfast is ready." He said leaving the common room, everyone was behind him, I think they were all hungry.

"So, I think you should come spend Christmas with us." Fred said looked at at him while smiling

This sucks! (Fred Weasley love story) ((Being completely rewritten))Where stories live. Discover now