Chapter 17 ~ I doubt

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I walk slowley towards the open double doors going on to the beach, I hear the music play and then the girls start walking down the aisle. I start getting butterflies in my stomach and i walk down the aisle towards Myles. He looks at me and his mouth shapes an O shape.

Myles POV

I see the most gorgeous girl in the world walking down the aisle towards me. I love her so much!

"Do you Myles Erlick take thee Briar Nolet to be you lawful wedded wife?"

"I do," I say and stare at Briar

"Do you Briar Nolet take thee Myles Erlick to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I do," she says and she starts smiling, we both know what comes next

"I am Happy to announce that you are now Husband and Wife, you may kiss the bride." 

I smile at her and kiss her and we walk back up the aisle hand in hand.

"I love you Briar Erlick," I say and she smiles and Blushes

"I love you too Myles Erlick." She replies  

I've invited all of the cast from tns here without her knowing! Confetti starts being thrown over us!

"BRYLES!" All of the TNS cast shout and Briar jumps because it was unexpected but she looks so happy to see them all. We keep walking and then we see our cake 3 tiers tall and a little icing statue of me and Briar on the top tier and on the second it's an icing statue of Sydney and Niamh playing with building blocks. It looked amazing. Everybody else followed us in and started giving us wedding gifts. Then it was cake cutting time. I grabbed the knife and Briars hand and we both cut the cake, it was a sponge cake. Then it was speeches and food time. Everybody who had a speech said it and then it was my turn. I stood up and grabbed Briars hand tightly and looked at her. "From the moment I met you I knew I would make you my wife. You are so Beautiful and have shown me the world through a different perspective and allowed me to see the world through a fathers eyes. We created a beautiful little girl Sydney Eliza Erlick and you gave me the privilege to not only be a step-father to Niamh but to be a father to her aswel. My life is complete with you. I love you so so much Briar. More then you will ever know." I say practically crying. She stands up and kisses me and then it's time for the pool party part of the wedding. 

I put my swimming pants on and Briar puts a pink bikini on and then we go and sunbathe next to the pool. I grab Briars hand and jump in the pool with her and we just splash eachother with waterhen more people join in and in the end we just have a massive water fight! It was amazing.

Today was the best day ever! We go to our room and Sydney and Niamh stay with Briars mom and dad. We walk in and lie straight down. Then we start kissing and eventually we stop and go to sleep then Briar tells me something I didn't think I would here on my wedding day.

"Myles I'm pregnant..."

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