Chapter 01

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I've been wanting to do a Sonic Jurassic park story version but not too exact from the movies. Since you all seen the old Jurassic Park movies and the new one last year. I like the new one better than the old ones.

Sometimes I always wonder what would happen if dinosaurs didn't go extinct, what would they evolve into.

I don't own anything.

Nebula the Hedgehog belongs to me.




The trees shake as something very, very large plows ahead through them, right at us. Every head gathered in these little clearing snaps, turning in the direction of the sound as it bursts through the trees. It is a forklift that carries a crate to the exhibit. A black and red hedgehog with a rifle goes to it.

"Alright now, pushers move in. Loading team move it!" he said and they lowered the cage down to the exhibit to push it. Growling and snarling was heard inside the crate, causing everyone to move back.

"Alright, steady. Get back in there now, push. Get back in there! Don't let her know you're afraid!" the hedgehog said and the men go back to the crate and begin to push it into the slot. The crate then makes contact with the slot. A green light on the side of the pen lights up, showing contact has been made.

"Well locked loading team, step away. Jophrey, raise the gate" He ordered a man named Jophery to open the gate. He climbs up the crate and slowly opens the gate. But then the raptor inside roars.

"SCRAAAAAAAAAWR!!!" It roared and runs toward the gate and it flies out of Jophery's hands and smacks into him, knocking him clear off the crate. He was pulled into the cage.

"Block the opening! Don't let her get out! Somebody help him!" the hedgehog ran to help Jophery out from the cage. The other workers and guards took out tasers to shock the raptor but it didn't let go. The hedgehog felt Jophery's grip slid from his grip.



A while later at somewhere far away from the island, a group of college students and paleontologists were digging up fossils in the ground.

A lawyer was brought to the mine by a float and he steps off it when it came to shore.

"I heard that Chuck is not even here" the lawyer said.

"He sends his apologies" a worker said.

"There's a $20 million lawsuit for that worker's death......and you're telling me that Chuck can't see me?" the lawyer got curious.

The blue hedgehog rolled his eyes and ignores them arguing whatever they're talking about and resumes to his work, brushing the dirt off the fossil bones.

"Found anything yet?" he asked his fellow classmates, a pink and a blue-violet hedgehog.

"Nope, but I found this raptor claw" the pink one held it out.

"Ah, nice job finding it. It comes from a Velociraptor, a raptor from Gobi desert, its got a large claw to slice you like this, horizontal, vertical or to cut your organs out. Imagine that of a giant turkey" he said.

"Okay, let's not talk about anything bloody or gory. It creeps me out. No offense though" the blue-violet hedgehog said, sketching the raptor claw in her sketch book.

"Well Nebula, I guess there's velociraptors that are bigger than this" the blue hedgehog said, heading towards the trailer to get a drink. But as he got in, a brighter blue hedgehog with a mustache got his soda bottle.

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