Final Chapter

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As soon as Shadow and his raptors left Rexy to deal with her own things, they were suddenly stopped. In front of them was a spinosaurus.

"Oh, shit" Shadow muttered.

"ROAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" the Spinosaurus roared out loud and lunges at them, grabbing Zena and Amber with her jaws and threw them aside, injuring them. She then went to attack Shadow, Jackie and Scarlet when Rexy came through and pushed the spinosaurus aside.

"Roar...roar...." Rexy looks back at Shadow, telling him to get somewhere safe while she deals with the beast.

"Got it" Shadow nodded and gestures his raptors to hide somewhere safe to watch Rexy fight against the Spinosaurus.

The two giant dinosaurs fought as they at the same time knocks over some trees. Then the Spinosaurus bites Rexy's neck and tosses her to the ground. Rexy got up with one limp leg and she did her best to fight back, she bites again on the Spinosaurus but missed the neck.

Rexy managed to bite her neck and they swung around until the Spinosaurus claws her some more, then pushes her toward some bushes nearby where Shadow was in. Then the Spinosaurus pinned Rexy down and is about to finish her when the raptors rushed at her.

"Crawr! Crawr!" Scarlet cawed at Spinosaurus, leaping up on her back.

Rexy managed to get up on her feet and resumes the fight against the Spinosaurus. She's glad that the raptors are helping her out.

After a long struggle by destroying trees in the progress, the Spinosaurus then gave up, badly injured with a broken leg, cuts and sores. Rexy and the raptors watched her leave in defeat and Rexy looks at Scarlet and her sisters as if thanking. She then walks away slowly to heal in peace. The raptor pack looked at Shadow and he smiled a bit.

"Good job girls, you did well" he said to them.


The next day, the island was at peace and the park was only a minimal damage from the bad ones that caused it. Though the dinosaurs are okay and happy that Big One and her sister, and the Spinosaurus are no longer causing trouble anymore.

The Spinosaurus was alive but locked in for its involvements and was put in the restricted areas of the island. Right now the staff of the island had to fix the damage at some parts of the island before it could be opened again. Both humans and mobians worked together by using both bulldozers, forklifts and even dinosaurs like triceratops and Apatosaurus who were carrying tree beams and metal beams. At some place, Sonic and Amy was helping some to build the Gentle Giant petting zoo, which were gonna be the baby dinosaurs' home.

"Glad we are helping them, Sonic. Soon we can cuddle with some gallimimus babies and ride some dinosaurs" Amy said.

"Yeah, but I was glad that the park is not closed yet. You were brave to help me through with the raptors" Sonic said, nailing on boards for the fence. A compsognathus went to him and gave him a screwdriver.

"Thanks little girl" Sonic said and pets her head.

Amy smiled sweetly and held up the board for the fence, "Mind if I help, Sonikku?" she asked him.

"Sure, Ames" Sonic smiled and nodded.


With Shadow and Nebula, they were talking to Rexy in the grass-field. They were telling her that they got a surprise for her. This made the T-Rex feel very excited about this.

"Yup, you'll feel extremely happy when we show you the surprise" Nebula said.

"Once we get to your padlock, you have to close your eyes" Shadow said. Rexy nodded.

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