Chapter 04

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Sonic, Amy, and Nebula are still alive and the rain has already stopped. The college hedgehogs suffered minor cuts and injuries but no broken bones or severe bruises. All of a sudden, Nebula's ears perk up that she heard a distant scream in the jungle.

"Something's wrong. Let's go!" Nebula said. Sonic ran after her with Amy in his arms.

"What is it?" Amy asked.

"Someone is in trouble!" Nebula said.

They ran through the jungle until they came to a wall where the dilophosaurus paddock is. Nebula leaps up the edge and helps Sonic and Amy up. They jump down on the other side and see a dilophosaurus leave from the direction.

"What the hell?" Nebula quietly goes up to what the dinosaur left from whatever it was doing.

"Careful, Nebs. We're in a dilophosaurus territory. These things are dangerous" Sonic said.

"I know that" Nebula said, "Hey, there's a car over there. I wonder what it's doing there" she said.

They all walked to the jeep and opens the door on the left. To their shock was Boomer the walrus, lying dead on his seat, all bloody.

"Oh god!" Nebula gasped.

"What is it? AH!" Amy screamed when she saw the corpse.

"What the hell?" Sonic said.

"He's dead. He was probably attacked by a dilophosaurus" Nebula steps away from the rotten corpse and almost slipped on the dirt, making the tiny rocks stumble down the hill and hits something that sounds like an object than a rock.

"Huh? Did you hear that?" Amy said.

"I definitely heard something. It sounds like a metal object or something" Sonic said. He looked down and saw a shaving cream canister on the ground, "A shaving cream canister. Here? Oh well, he must have had it" he goes down and picks it up, he noticed the bottom of the canister were slightly open.

"What's this?" he picks it out and sees the embryos.

"What the hell is that?" Amy asked.

"Wait a second. It looks like it's from the lab. And that fat walrus doesn't look like a scientist. He's probably a smuggler or something. I don't know" Nebula guessing.

"Possibly" Sonic said.

"Let's follow the tire trails. Maybe it will lead us back to the visitor center. It's better off than sleeping outside when there's a T-Rex around" Amy said

"Yeah, we can't drive that car. It's probably out of gas" Nebula said.

"You might wanna hold this in your backpack, Nebs" Sonic hands the canister to her. She puts the canister in her small light-weight backpack.

"Let's go before any of those dilophosaurus jumps out at us" Nebula said, following the car trail tracks. Sonic and Amy follows her too.


Shadow was back at the visitor center, rescued by Rouge and Knuckles. His leg was not severely broken, just injured and left a deep visible purple bruise which was hard to see from his black fur.

"Chuck, I know you're worried but I sure they're alive out there. At least I managed to lure the T-Rex away from them" Shadow said.

"Yes but we got to restore the power back. This is all Boomer's fault! Hiring him was a mistake" Uncle Chuck said a bit angry.

"While I recover, Rouge and Knuckles can bring the power back on the fences" Shadow said, "Also, Vector can you restore the system?" he asked Vector.

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