Chapter 05

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The next morning, Amy was missing and this made the hedgehogs very worried and scared that she probably went outside and didn't leave a note.

"Oh, shit. This can't be good. I'm gonna go find her before something happens to her!" Sonic sped out the door, leaving a blue blur trail from his speed.

"Sonic, wait!" Nebula called out but he didn't come back, "Damn it!"


At the triceratops padlock, Amy was walking to see the triceratops unharmed from attacks, roaming around. She smiled and goes up to a young triceratops.

"Hi there cutie. Wanna be petted?" Amy asked it, it nods and turned on her side, allowing the pink hedgehog to rub her belly.

"Like that?" Amy smiled as she rubs the young triceratops belly. It nods and soon got up again. Amy pets her between the horns.

"Wow, your horns sure are strong, girl" Amy said.

The young triceratops smiles a bit and licks her in the face.

"Kyehehehehe.... that tickles" Amy giggled and fell on her bottom as the triceratops keeps licking her.

Sonic ran through the roads and leaps over a fence to get into the Triceratops paddock into the exhibit to look for Amy there, then he heard a familiar giggling.

"Ames?" He goes to the direction where the giggling came from and he sees Amy playing with the triceratops.

"Ames! What are you doing here?!" Sonic asked her seriously.

Amy sees him and her ears folds back in shame, "I just wanted to see a herbivore again and.....Okay I admit, I fled" she said.

Sonic sighs in relief that she's okay, "Just don't ever do that again. You scared me to death when you disappeared"

"Okay. But I was also afraid if you didn't come to get me, I would be lost" Amy said.

"Its fine now, Amy. Now let's get back to the visitor center" Sonic held Amy's shoulder.

Just as they are about to leave, loud bellowing was heard and a herd of triceratops and some gallimimus who apparently lives in the same exhibit is running away from something.

"Run!" Amy screamed. Sonic holds her bridal style and runs away from the herd. Soon a familiar roar was heard, Rexy!

"*ROOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRR*" Rexy roared and chased the herd of gallimimus and triceratops along with Amy and Sonic.

"She's too fast! She's gaining on us!" Amy screamed.

"MMWWWAAAAARRRRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!" Rexy was gaining on them.

"Not for long!" Sonic said and speeds up; the triceratops herd ran down a hill with the gallimimus group with the two hedgehogs and Rexy still in pursuit. Sonic didn't notice the root in the way so he trips over with Amy, falling over. They crawled behind a fallen tree to avoid the herd to run over them and Rexy.

"Stay down!" Sonic said.

Amy gets down and the gallimimus jumps over the tree and Amy held herself close to Sonic. Then it follows by heavy footsteps coming from the trees and Rexy snaps at one gallimimus and eats it.

"Let's go. She's already found her favorite chew toy" Amy said.

"Yeah, I hope we can figure out how to calm Rexy down from chasing us" Sonic said, crawling underneath the tree log.


"Don't worry, Chuck. Sonic is very fast. I'm sure Rexy won't be able to catch up to them" Nebula said.

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