Chapter 03

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Meanwhile at the visitor center, Uncle Chuck was walking in to have a talk with a green mobian crocodile.

"The students seem to have fun man. And here we are and checking" the crocodile said.

"Don't forget me, Vector. I'm the security here too" the purple walrus said.

"Whatever Boomer" Vector rolls his eyes, "And clean your desk, please"

"Maybe later. I love junk food" Boomer said, giggling.

"Oh boy. I better check the cars" Vector said and clicks on the screens, allowing him and Chuck to see the students.

"How's the ride going, guys?" Uncle Chuck asked.

Sonic leaned in to the camera and pokes the lens, "Good, I love the ride. Ahhhh......." he breaths to the camera.

"He's sometimes cocky" Uncle Chuck said to Vector.

"Yup, say is something you want to tell us uncle?" Sonic asked through the camera.

"Well a storm is coming up right now. We got to bring you all back now" Uncle Chuck said.

"Alright, we had fun petting the brachiosaurus too. Adios" Sonic said, turning off the camera.

Boomer gets up from his chair and said; "Anybody want a soda or something? I'm going up to the machine. I thought maybe I should. I've had only sweets and I'm gonna get something salty" he said.

"" Vector said.

"Okay then, Bye" Boomer said, taking his canister with him. Unknown to Chuck and Vector, he has disabling the alarms on the chamber where the embryos are.


"I don't see a T-Rex. You don't suppose its hiding or something?" Amy asked Chuck.

"She rarely comes out if she isn't feed goats" Uncle Chuck said through the screen, then a goat appeared in the T-Rex paddock on a chain.

"Anyone hungry for goats?" Sonic asked.

"No thanks, I don't eat goats. But I can't watch this" Nebula said and looks away.

"That's right, any minute the T-Rex will come out for her meal" Uncle Chuck said through the camera, but then it shuts down without power.

"Powers out. Oh well. We can just wait for it" Sonic said. Dark clouds were appearing in the sky.


At the visitor center's laboratory, it was empty except Boomer sneaking in and got to the chamber. He pins down the code and gets in to get the embryos. He opens each container with them and takes the velociraptor, t-rex, Apatosaurus, stegosaurus and even gallimimmus embryos into the canister's container. As soon as he's done, he gets out quietly.

At the computer room, Vector is checking if Boomer has done something tricky on his computer.

"The fences around the park are failing sir. Check the vending machine" Uncle Chuck said.

"Just look at this work station"

"What a complete slob he is" Uncle Chuck said, "The raptor fences is still on aren't they?" Uncle Chuck asked another employer.

"No they are still on sir" the employer said.

"Why the hell would he turn the other ones off? Access main program"

"Access main security. Access main program grid" Vector attempted to hack through Boomer's system, but instead came up.

"Ah ah ah! You didn't say the magic word!"

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