Chapter 07

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"Is your arm feeling okay, Scarlet?" Shadow asked.

"Crawr....." she nodded.

"Don't worry, Scarlet. Its takes some time for the wound to heal" Amy said.

"Crawr" Scarlet cawed and nuzzled her snout on Amy. Then the other raptors appeared and Scarlet snarled angrily at them all.

"Back off!" Shadow tells the other hedgehogs to stay away from them; they got close to the spinosaurus who was still tranquilized.

"Craawwrrr!!!" Scarlet snarled at her sisters.

"What is she doing?" Amy asked Shadow.

"She's reasoning with them" Shadow said.

(Raptor translation)

"What are you doing here?! Trying to eat my friends?! I won't let you do this!" Scarlet snarled.

"No, we realized that the Big One lied to us about the mobians" Jackie said.

"I'm not buying it. You were always mean to me and Shadow. You were never good raptors so get lost!" Scarlet snarled.

"Scarlet, just listen to us! We know what we did was wrong and you were right all along! We should've listened to you in the first place!" Amber said.

"We're not on Big One's side anymore. We all feel very guilty for listening to her. And we're very sorry that we doubted you. Please, you got to give us a chance" Zena said.

"Why should I forgive you? Did you eat the scientists in the lab? Have you ever given them a chance? No you didn't?" Scarlet growled.

Amber backs off in fear and Scarlet glares at her, "Y-Y-yes, I killed Vector the mobian crocodile. The Big One ordered us to kill anyone" Amber said.

"You see, Amber?! That's a sign of murdering! It's like taking someone's soul away! Have the humans or mobians done anything bad to you?! Did they threaten you? No! Did they abuse you? No! Did they let you starve to death? No they didn't!" Scarlet growled.

The raptor sisters looked down in regret and Scarlet continues.

"Leave now and never return sisters" she made a punishment for them.

"Okay, we'll go" Zena said in sadness.

"I know what we did but we're gonna make things right for you and Shadow. I hope you understand, Scarlet" Amber said.

"You have every right to be mad at us, little sis. I hope you'll forgive us someday" Jackie said. The raptors ran off in the field.

(End of translation)

Scarlet growled lowly at them, watching them sped off in sadness. Though she did felt their guiltiness but she wants them to do things right and learn from their mistakes they've did.

"They left" Shadow was impressed by Scarlet telling her sisters off, if he understands their language. But at the same time he felt bad for them.

"So what do we do with this spinosaurus?" Amy asked.

"Well it's gonna be asleep for about 15 minutes more. So we better get going before we call security to put this dinosaur back to captivity" Shadow said.

"And how exactly are they gonna carry a heavy ton dinosaur?" Sonic asked.

"Cranes, excuse me for a moment" Shadow said and he takes out his walkie talkie to talk to the guards. As he did it, Sonic and Amy goes up to Scarlet to see if she's okay after she banished her own sisters.

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