Chapter 06

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With Rouge and Knuckles, they has gone to the other bunker where Vector went to, wondering why he isn't coming back.

"Say Knuckles, do you think it's weird that Vector has not been around for the last hours?" Rouge asked Knuckles.

"Yeah, something's not right. I have a bad feeling that something happened to him" Knuckles said.

"Let's find out, sweetie" Rouge said and goes downstairs. The lamps were turned on but no Vector was in sight.

"I'm not picking up any quiet sounds or anything in my bat ears. Strange" Rouge said.

They both walked down the hallway and sees a fence door where it says danger.

"He must have gone through here, let's check" Knuckles said. Rouge nods and they go through it and then suddenly they hear a raptor snarl.

"What was that?" Knuckles gasped.

"A velociraptor" Rouge said nervously. Then Amber appeared behind them and screeches loudly.

"SCRAAAAAAAAAWR!!!" Amber screeches at them.

"WHOA!!" Knuckles turned and punched Amber straight to the wall. Rouge then steps on Vector's tail, "Oh thank god Vector" Rouge pants out in relief. But it didn't last long when she realized Vector's tail detached from his body.


"What happened?! Where's Vector?!" Knuckles ran with Rouge.

"He's eaten!" Rouge screamed. They both ran out and closed the door, panting out from seeing Vector dead.

"This is not good. Vector is dead" Rouge breathes very fast.

"The door won't hold forever. That raptor will find a way to bust the door. Come on!" Knuckles grabbed Rouge and ran off.


Sonic and Amy were riding on a female Parasaurolophus since they were tired and thirsty. The dinosaur was an herbivore and it accepts to help the hedgehogs.

"Oh, I used too much of my stamina of running. But I'm glad we got help" Sonic said.

"Yeah, it's just you and me and this Parasaurolophus" Amy said. She was resting her head on Sonic's shoulder.

"Yeah. I gotta admit they sure do know what we're saying" Sonic said.

"Yup. Man, I'm feeling thirsty and hungry. I wonder if there are any fruits on this island" Amy said.

"I guess there are. Herbivore dinosaurs eat fruit do they?" Sonic asked.

"Yes, that means there must be fruits around this area where these dinosaurs live. Look, over there are the brachiosaurs" Amy sees the Brachiosaurus that lives in same exhibit as the parasaurolophus.

"Wow. And they are still eating from the trees. Whoa!" Sonic said as the parasaurolophus they ride on laid on its belly, allowing them to get off.

"Well, let's go find some fresh fruits, Ames" Sonic said. They go down to the lake and saw some of the dinosaurs bathing in the water.

"They sure are having some fun. Hey, I see some bananas in the trees but it's too high to reach" Amy said.

"Allow me" Sonic then backs up to spin-dash at the tree to knock the bananas down. He then rushed at the tree and they all fell down near him. Amy goes up to the pile and picks up one.

"Good job, Sonic. You're the best" Amy said.


Shadow and Nebula were near the waterfall taking a break. Nebula brought two apples for Shadow and herself. Scarlet sniffed Shadow's apple but moves her head away that she didn't like that fruit.

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