Chapter 08

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Rexy and Big One was already at the raptor exhibit to free Big One's sibling. The mobians and humans were not strong enough to face against the big dinosaur since it has sharp teeth.

Rexy grabs some of the guards who tried to tranquilize her and crushes them with her jaws. The Big One headed to her sibling and opens the door since the electric power has gone offline.

"Crawr! Crawr!"

"Craawr!" Big One cawed happily to see her sibling. They both ran a shortcut to the visitor center while Rexy runs away from the guards. A few minutes later Shadow and his raptors arrived, seeing the mess around.

"My god, look at this mess!" Shadow said.

He saw the damage Rexy and the Big One has made and many of the guards were injured or dead on the ground. He goes up to the closest one and asks him.

"Where did they go?" Shadow asked.

"The raptors headed the left way and Rexy moved over the right on her own" The guard said in a weak voice.

"Guess that means their deal over the two dinosaurs is done. I better get back to the visitor center to tell the others" Shadow said.


At the visitor center, Sonic, Amy and Nebula were at the gift shop store and checked the merchandises out. Amy was holding a Stegosaurus plush and showed it to Sonic, they both giggled and then Nebula sees a shadow of a velociraptor on the wall.

"Scarlet? Is that you?" Nebula said.

"That's not Scarlet! Run! In the kitchen!" Sonic said, holding Amy's hand and sneaks with Nebula to the kitchen. Once they got in, they hide behind the stainless steel tabco cabinets.

"That's gotta be Big One and her sibling" Amy whispered.

Then the door opened to the kitchen and a velociraptor steps in.

"It opened the door" Nebula saw it and quickly hides.

The velociraptor looks around and then calls for the Big One, "CRAWR! CRAWR CAW CAW!" she called until the Big One was inside, growling lowly.

"Raaaaaahhhh!" the Big One shrieked.

Amy looks over to see the two and then went back hiding, "Follow me" she whispered. The three hedgehogs crawled so the raptors won't see them. They hide behind the next metal cabinets where the Big One's sister was near at. They stopped as the raptor clicks her toe claws on the floor.

Sonic saw the raptor's feet and tells the girls to keep crawling, almost to the end of the metal cabinets. But they accidently caused the pans and pots to fall over and this caught the raptor sibling's attention. The hedgehogs crawled faster and Sonic hides behind the metal cabinet when the girls went hiding into some lockers. Near Sonic were some utensils hanging on the sides of the cabinet. As a result he saw one fall over, the raptors heard it and sneaks near him. They were about to see Sonic when Nebula taps the floor with a spoon down the room. Amy was inside a locker trying to pull the lid down. The Big One's sibling sees her and rushed towards Amy who screamed.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Amy screamed. But it was revealed to be a reflection which the Big One's sister gets knocked out by.

"Come on! Hurry!" Nebula said to Amy.

Sonic then looks over to see the freezer, he runs to it and the Big One sees him, running after him. As she got inside she slipped on the melted ice floor and Sonic managed to run out and push the door back but Big One managed to push the door back to get out of the freezer.

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