Hello Readers and Adventurers!

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I am quite excited to share a special sneak peek into my book, "Escaping the Rainfield," with you! In the next few chapters I will share with you the introduction to my book and behind the scene interviews with some of the key characters. I hope that you enjoy reading it and if you have any questions, please contact me at: www.ElizaRichBookz.com

- Introduction of the Book-

-Interviewing the Main Character: Hannah Davis-

-Interviewing Ophelia: The Best Friend-

-Interviewing Adrian: The Love Interest-

-Interviewing RazorBlade: The Enemy-

-Intervewing Alexander: The Father-

-Interviewing Bethany: The Mother-

-Interviewing Nahum: The Brother-

Escaping the Rainfield (Behind the Scenes)Where stories live. Discover now