Chapter 9: L...?

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Killua's POV.

What the f*ck! He is Akira's boyfriend! What is he saying.

"Stop that Takaki. You're not doing this again understand?" Wing san said.

"What do you mean, Wing san?" Akira asked.

"He's not your boyfriend Akira chan." Wing san faced Akira.

"Uhhh, Wing san now you ruined my plan" The jerk said.

"Once master told me about his students, a boy named Keshino has fallen inlove with his other student but he always got dumped." Zushi stated.

"Ugh, you don't need to tell it that way." this guy pisses me off.

"But you know what, Kira chan." The Keshino guy said and disappeared.

Then he appeared at Akira's back. "I will do everything to make you like me. Even if I need to kill for you." He said as he HUGGED AKIRA from behind and kissed her cheek.

Why that ugly jerk.

Akira was shocked on what he did but she also BLUSHED. AKIRA WHAT THE HECK?!

Akira's POV.

Takaki hugged me from behind and kissed me in the cheek. I was supposed to be mad at what he did, but on the contrary I even blushed. Ugh I hate myself.

I freed myself from his hug quickly.

"Okay now you are all familiar with each other let's start our training." Wing san clapped his hands.

Keshino walked after Wing san followed by Killua then me.

I can see Killua is a little pissed. Why is he the one's whose pissed? Maybe he's still mad about our Fight earlier.

I was about to talk to him but Wing san spoke. He wrote someting on the whiteboard.

Time skipped (sorry guys. Im too lazy, aren't I?)

The training for today is now finished. We spent almost half a day in training. Now I'm exhausted. I don't feel good. I looked outside. It's already dark.

Wing san clapped that caught our attention.

"Congratulations, Akira chan. You mastered all the basics within a short time. That only proves that you are really a excellent nen user." Wing san said.

"Hai, Arigatou." I smiled at him.

"Congrats, Kira chan. You were awesome." Keshino said as he patted my head and smiled.

Now I realised that he is taller than me. Maybe he and Killua have the same height. And cute.

"Arigatou." I smiled back.

Then someone grabbed his hand. I looked at the person, I was surprised when I saw Killua.

"Killua?" I said in a soft voice.

Killua's POV.

I saw Akira blushed again. Tsk. What am I feeling?! Damn it!

"We have to go Akira. It's already dark outside. Gon and Alluka must be worrying by now." I said as I smiled at her.

Then I let go Keshino's arm.

"I'll accompany you." He said.

"No need, we can handle ourselves." I said coldly as I glared at him.

"Okay then, Oyasumi Kira chan." He said.

"H-hai." Akira said in a sad tone. Why is she sad?

Then we left the apartment of Wing san. Me and Akira are currently walking in the street. It was very quiet.

Is she still mad at me? Why does she blush when she is talking to that guy? Does she like him? Why did she felt sad earlier? Is it beacuse that irritating guy can't come with us? Why? What am I feeling? My heart beats faster and it also hurts. Is this what they call l...

"Killua?" I was cutted by a voice.

"Killua?" I looked at the owner of the voice and saw Akira. She looks worried.

"Are you still...mad at me?" She asked looking away.

"Huh?" I said.

"It's about our fight earlier right? That's why you're mad at me." She said looking down.

"What are you..." I was cutted when it suddenly rained.

"It's raining!" Akira said.

Tsk. We are still far away from the apartment. Then I saw a waiting shed nearby.

"Let's go there." I said as I pointed the shed.

Akira nodded and we ran to the shed.

We aren't that wet but Akira is freezing because the rain is starting to get stronger.

She sat on the bench and I sat beside her. She fixed her wet hair and put some strands of it behind her ear. She is so cute when she does that. But she is still freezing.

Akira's POV.

I don't understand myself. I am not that wet, still I am freezing.

Then Killua suddenly stood. He removed his shirt and long sleeves.

"Oi, what are you doing?!" I said, shocked with his action.

Then he threw his long sleeves to me. It landed on my face.

"Mou!.." I said but I was cutted off.

"You can use that, so you won't freeze to death." he said wearing his white shirt.

"But-" I said but I was cutted off.

"It's okay, you need it more than I do."

"Thanks." I said while blushing a little.

"It looks like we are stuck here for a while. The rain won't stop. We don't have any umbrella and the apartment is still far." he sighed.

"Neh, Killua, what is your hatsu?" I asked him.

"My hatsu?" He asked while looking at me. I nodded.

"Well, I can turn my aura into electricity. In thay way I can use godspeed. I can run very fast that you won't able to see me." he explained.

Electricity cool. But I bet, that hurts. Then an idea popped into my mind.

"Why don't you..."

"No." he said. "I won't leave you here even for a second, so don't continue on proposing your plan." he said.

Now I bet that I am blushing as red as a tomato. Why did he knew what was I going to say?

Then he sat beside me.

"I'm not mad at you." He said.

"huh?" I said. I was about to face him but something fell on my shoulder.

I look at it and saw Killua.

"Sorry..." He whispered softly while his eyes are closed.

"Killua..." I said. I want to say something to him but I don't want to disturb him.

"Oyasumi...Killua..." I whispered in his ear.

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