Chapter 24: Awake

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     shoutout to basically everyone. ha. you guys are right about the dream thingy, (it's obvious) but there's a lot more to this. read on ;)

    "Hyung," a guy said. "Hyung! Come here!"

"What is it?"

Seojun's voice.

"Her fingers moved."

"You know that always happens to coma patients." he sighed. "Don't think too much, Jaehyun."

"No, hyung.. She's moving a lot." the younger stated.

I could hear fast steps moving towards me. "What, really?!"

Furrowing my eyebrows, I fluttered my eyelids open and immediately a light blinded me. I couldn't process anything. At all.


I looked up to that guy. That guy.. Seojun.

"Seo.. Jun?" I stuttered in confusion.

"Areum?!" he cried in joy. "You're awake! She's awake, Jaehyun!"

"Noona?" I looked to the other side of the bed and saw a guy around his teenage years.

"Jin.. Where's Jin?" I tried to get up and scanned the whole room but the named Jaehyun held me back.

"Jaehyun, call the doctor now! Tell him she's awake," Seojun ordered, still smiling ear to ear with his eyes still in tears.

Seojun took my hand and knelt down on the floor to my level. "I missed you, baby. I so very miss you." he placed a long peck on my knuckles and continued to sob.

"Seojun, what are you talking about?" I retrieved my hand. "Where's Jin?"

"Don't you remem—"

"Dr. Shin is here."  another voice interrupted and the said doctor came into the room. He checked my pulse, consciousness, blood pressure and etc. I was so so.. confused.

What the hell was going on?

"Mr. Park, I'm going to ask her some questions to know her current condition. Can you please wait outside for a moment?" the doctor said to Seojun.

Seojun nodded and looked at me in concern as he left the hospital room.

The doctor told me to sit up on my bed and I did.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"You suffered from coma for around 5 months. It's October now." he said as he bowed his head down. "But now that you're awake, you'll be doing just fine like how you did before."

Coma? A fucking coma?

I was speechless and I was left for words. What the fuck? How? Why? Tell me this was just a bad dream. Then how about Jin? How about everything that I've done for the past 5 months? Why did it felt so real and vivid? How could I even sleep, eat, drink if it was all just a mere dream? I had sex, even?

Just.. what the fuck?

I wanted to pass out. I want to get back into that 'mere' dream again.

AWAKE - kim seok jinWhere stories live. Discover now