Little giant x Reader ( requested by Sissy_matsuoka )

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Dedicated to Sissy_matsouka

I am sorry. I know I am super late with this update. I really really sorry especially the requester. Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this story and I will try to update one more story this month. Again I'm sorry and enjoy!

Today is your first day of a high schooler in Karasuno High and the first thing you want to do is, join the volleyball club! But, instead of the girl's team, you want to join the boy's team as a manager.

You hurriedly ran to the gym from your class, and because of your clumsy behaviour, you almost stumbled down to the floor but not before someone caught you.

"Be careful" you heard a manly voice said to you. Wah, I can fall in love just with the voice!
"Th-thank you!" you thanked and bowed down to that person and when you face up, that person was already gone.
"Where is he?" you searched around you but you can't catch any person who looks to you. You let out a frustrated sigh before realised that you should hurry to the gym.

"(f/n)-san? A first-year student, right?" a man, maybe the volleyball's club teacher asked you when you arrived at the gym. You nodded to his question.
"Then you should introduce yourself now" then he brought you to the front of the team. You felt really nervous with the full attention you got right now.

"My name is (y/n)(f/n). I will be your manager starting today, nice to meet you all" you introduced yourself to the whole team.

"Manager? It's being a long time since we got a manager. Anyway, I am the captain ( #Idk their name, so just use any name you want :D ). We will be in your care starting now, (f/n)-san" he gave you a beautiful smile that almost makes you fall.

"Hai'! I will do my best!" you smiled and bowed down to them again.

A few hours later, when everyone was in practice session, someone entered the gym.

"Little giant! You're late again! Hurry up or I will double your train!" Ukai sensei went to that guy and smacked his back.

"Little giant?"
"Yup, little giant. Despite his small body, he can fly" you startled to know that the captain was beside you answering your question when you think you just talk to yourself.
"Fly?" you asked him and he nodded.

"Yes, fly. You will see it later, the beautiful wings appear when the time he jumps at the net" your eyes glittering when you heard wings. You loved everything that has wings. Then you heard the captain chuckled beside you that makes you look at him.

"You are cute with that reaction, (f/n)-san" he ruffled your hair before ran to his team to continue the practice.
"What was that?" you're left speechless there, but you shake your head immediately to forget about it. He just did what a senior did to his junior, that's it!  You took a deep breath before released it and tried to focus on the practice.

"Little giant! Take it!" a few seconds later, you're shocked with a voice from the court and when you look at them, you saw someone at the net ready to spike a ball from the setter with a pair of beautiful wings behind him. You're mesmerised by him.

"He is flying! Amazing! A guy is flying in front of my eyes with a pair of wings!" you accidentally shouted the words makes the team stop from playing and look straight to you especially the little giant.

"I-I am sorry. Please, just ignore me" you looked down hiding your embarrassing face. Then you heard all of them laughing and when you look up, you saw the little giant crack a little smile that's cute in your eyes. Kawaii!!

Since that time, when they were practised, you always look forward to seeing the little giant jumps because, in that way, you can see the wings again.

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