Sawamura Daichi x Reader

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The captain oneshot for you!!
Have fun!!

You and Daichi are a couple for about two years happily...but both of you looked like got a little fight in your senior year.

"You thought I didn't know that you always chatted with Michimiya and you thought I didn't know that she likes you?!!!" You burst out your anger on him.
"What's wrong with you?! I already told you that we discussed about the club!! And you, why did you talked cheerfully with Suga?! And you thought I didn't know that he likes you?!!" He talked back to you.

"What?! I just asked him about my homework since he's smarter than you!! And what?! Club? She's with the girl volleyball club and you with the boys volleyball club! If you talked with Shimizu, than I understand about it but you talked with Michimiya!!" the volleyball boys watched the scene quietly and it looked like Asahi wanted to stop you guys.

"Ano~ guys. Why don't you-" but then he's interrupted by Daichi.

"What? Oh, he's smarter than me! Then, why don't you go to him and couple with him instead of me!?" You're shocked.
"Oh really?! Okay fine! I will break up with you and couple with him! And you Go! Go! Couple with her instead of me!!" Then you dashed out from the gym and left him with the others.

"Baka!!!!!" You shouted.

Next morning...

You and Daichi didn't talk with each other makes everyone in your class curious about it. Well, both of you are always lively especially you, but since your fighting and 'break up' thing yesterday, the class's air became intense because of you and Daichi.

"Suga! Can you help me with this? I can't understand at all!" You walked to Suga desk and sat beside him. ( *let say that Suga is in the same class with Daichi...or is it true in the anime that they're in the same class? ╮(╯▽╰)╭ )

"Oh, sure" Suga smiled to you and started teaching you but in the same time, you just wanted to make 'him' jealous.

"Ermm, Suga I am sorry. I-" you whisper to him but then he interrupted you.
"Don't worry. I knew about it. You two were in lover quarrel yesterday at the gym, right?" You nodded but blushed when you heard lover quarrel.
"I just can't keep it anymore. But in reality, I didn't want to break up with him. I just had a bad day yesterday and someone told me that about them. I can't think straight!" You told Suga and he smiled.

"(y/n), Daichi isn't a guy like that. He's a loyal guy and he will stick to the one he loves until the end. You have to trust him" you looked down.
"I know but I can't keep my jealousy when I saw he talked with a girl that he knew longer than me" you admited it to him.

Both of you talked about him but still he taught you about the homework. Well, you're not so good in studying.

~ Recess ~

You wanted to go to the roof since now's the only time you can free from books and take some fresh air up there. When you wanted to go there, you 'accidently' saw Daichi with Michimiya talking and smiling and laughing...

Talked about the club, huh... Sorry Suga, but I think the rumor's true...

You just ignored 'the lovebird' and continued to bring your feet to the roof and maybe ditch some class ( kids don't do this ) since you didn't want to see Daichi.

Daichi pov

What are those two talking about?!

I felt jealous when I saw (y/n) talked with Suga. I kept on glancing to them, didn't want her to notice it. I regreted that I said to her to break with me and go to Suga.

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