Bokuto Koutarou x Reader (requested by Jazz_flute)

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Hey Hey Hey! This chapter is about our Fukurodani's captain......Bokuto Koutarou. Have fun!

"Koutarou, what do you think about volleyball?" your 10 years old asked the 11 years old Bokuto Koutarou.
"I love it! Look how easy they did that!" he replied you with enthusiasm.
"Right?! I love it too" your eyes glued at the television.
"(y/n), let's play volleyball together forever?" he asked you with a smile.
"Hmm. Let's play together forever" you smiled back to him.

Since that time, both of you always play volleyball together, got into the same team for the middle school team because they can co-ed with boys and girls until you got into high school. Unfortunately, Fukurodani's volleyball team doesn't have a co-ed team so you and Bokuto got into girls and boys team instead of in the same team. Even though you guys are in a different team, you always come to boys team practice when you don't have a practice session with your team. Well, you can say that the girl's team is not that well-known as the boy's team before this and because of you, the level of the team going higher than before.  Now you're in the second year and gladly become the ace of the team.

"(y/n)! Do you have any practice with your team today?!" you startled when you heard someone shouting your name. You looked outside of your class and saw that spiky white-grey hair with black streaks guy standing at your class's door.
"Koutarou! I am not deaf! Can you just say that without shouting?" you walked to him and smacked his head.
"Awww! It's hurt! Akaashi! (y/n)'s hitting me!" you rolled your eyes at him.

"Akaashi, how can you keep your cool with this guy?" you asked the guy beside Bokuto.
"I can ask the exact same question to you, (y/n). You knew him longer than me" you nodded agreeing with him.
"So, (y/n)? Do you have any practice?" Bokuto asked you again acting as nothing happened.
"We don't have any practice after this because we already did it this morning. I will go to yours today, is it okay?" 

"That's what I want to hear from you! Let's have a duel on how many cross shots we can hit!" you smirked hearing the challenge from him.
"It's on!" you high-five with Bokuto and saw that Akaashi shook his head.
"That's why you guys can stay together for a long time" both of you looked at Akaashi and grinned.
"(y/n), see you after school, okay?! Akaashi, see you when the recess" he said before walking to his class.

"You are really great , Akaashi" he looked at you when you said it to him. You walked back into your class with Akaashi and sat on your place. You and Akaashi place are just beside each other and you can say that you guys are the best friends since the first year. 
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you can handle Bokuto easily and I know he is getting happier when he plays with you" you gave out a small smile.

"Why you sounded like you're jealous?" you looked at him surprised.
"What do you mean by jealous?" you asked him.
"Exactly what I said. You sounded like you're jealous because me and Bokuto-san are getting closer and Bokuto-san is happy with me" you're dumbfounded but then you laughed.
"Akaashi, I don't know that you can make a joke like that" 
"I am saying the truth, (y/n). You like Bokuto-san, right?" you blushed by his question.

"How can you- No. Why that question suddenly came out from you?"
"It's not sudden. I already knew it for a long time. (y/n), who will ever stand with his mood for a long time?" he asked you.
"You? Your teammates? The managers?" he sighed when you replied to him.
"We as a teammate, of course, we have to know how to handle our moody ace and captain but you're not (y/n). You're someone special to him and he is someone special to you"

"We're just a childhood friend, Akaashi. Nothing more than that." you laughed at him when you saw how constantly he said that you like Bokuto more than just a friend. 
"Are you sure you're just a childhood friend? You never felt more than that?"
"Akaashi, what's wrong with you? Since when did you become a love expert?" you weirdly asked Akaashi.

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